Source code for grid2op.Action.ActionSpace

import warnings

from grid2op.Exceptions import *
from grid2op.Action.BaseAction import BaseAction
from grid2op.Action.SerializableActionSpace import SerializableActionSpace

[docs]class ActionSpace(SerializableActionSpace): """ :class:`ActionSpace` should be created by an :class:`grid2op.Environment.Environment` with its parameters coming from a properly set up :class:`grid2op.Backend.Backend` (ie a Backend instance with a loaded powergrid. See :func:`grid2op.Backend.Backend.load_grid` for more information). It will allow, thanks to its :func:`ActionSpace.__call__` method to create valid :class:`BaseAction`. It is the the preferred way to create an object of class :class:`BaseAction` in this package. On the contrary to the :class:`BaseAction`, it is NOT recommended to overload this helper. If more flexibility is needed on the type of :class:`BaseAction` created, it is recommended to pass a different "*actionClass*" argument when it's built. Note that it's mandatory that the class used in the "*actionClass*" argument derived from the :class:`BaseAction`. Attributes ---------- game_rules: :class:`grid2op.RulesChecker.RulesChecker` Class specifying the rules of the game used to check the legality of the actions. """
[docs] def __init__(self, gridobj, legal_action, actionClass=BaseAction): """ All parameters (name_gen, name_load, name_line, sub_info, etc.) are used to fill the attributes having the same name. See :class:`ActionSpace` for more information. Parameters ---------- gridobj: :class:`grid2op.Space.GridObjects` The representation of the powergrid. actionClass: ``type`` Note that this parameter expected a class and not an object of the class. It is used to return the appropriate action type. legal_action: :class:`grid2op.RulesChecker.BaseRules` Class specifying the rules of the game used to check the legality of the actions. """ SerializableActionSpace.__init__(self, gridobj, actionClass=actionClass) self.legal_action = legal_action
[docs] def __call__(self, dict_=None, check_legal=False, env=None): """ This utility allows you to build a valid action, with the proper sizes if you provide it with a valid dictionnary. More information about this dictionnary can be found in the :func:`Action.update` help. This dictionnary is not changed in this method. **NB** This is the only recommended way to make a valid, with proper dimension :class:`Action` object: Examples -------- Here is a short example on how to make a action. For more detailed examples see :func:`Action.update` .. code-block:: python import grid2op # create a simple environment env = grid2op.make() act = env.action_space({}) # act is now the "do nothing" action, that doesn't modify the grid. Parameters ---------- dict_ : :class:`dict` see :func:`Action.__call__` documentation for an extensive help about this parameter check_legal: :class:`bool` is there a test performed on the legality of the action. **NB** When an object of class :class:`Action` is used, it is automatically tested for ambiguity. If this parameter is set to ``True`` then a legality test is performed. An action can be illegal if the environment doesn't allow it, for example if an agent tries to reconnect a powerline during a maintenance. env: :class:`grid2op.Environment`, optional An environment used to perform a legality check. Returns ------- res: :class:`BaseAction` An action that is valid and corresponds to what the agent want to do with the formalism defined in see :func:`Action.udpate`. """ res = self.actionClass(gridobj=self) # update the action res.update(dict_) if check_legal: if not self._is_legal(res, env): raise IllegalAction("Impossible to perform action {}".format(res)) return res