Source code for grid2op.Action.BaseAction

The "BaseAction" module lets you define some actions on the underlying power _grid.
These actions are either made by an agent, or by the environment.

For now, the actions can act on:

  - the "injections" and allows you to change:

    - the generators active power production setpoint
    - the generators voltage magnitude setpoint
    - the loads active power consumption
    - the loads reactive power consumption

  - the status of the powerlines (connected/disconnected)
  - the configuration at substations eg setting different objects to different buses for example

The BaseAction class is abstract. You can implement it the way you want. If you decide to extend it, make sure
that the :class:`grid2op.Backend` class will be able to understand it. If you don't, your extension will not affect the
underlying powergrid. Indeed a :class:`grid2op.Backend` will call the :func:`BaseAction.__call__` method and should
understands its return type.

In this module we derived two action class:

  - :class:`BaseAction` represents a type of action that can act on all the above-mentioned objects
  - :class:`TopologyAction` restricts the modification to line status modification and bus reconfiguration at substations.

The :class:`BaseAction` and all its derivatives also offer some usefull inspection utilities:

  - :func:`BaseAction.__str__` prints the action in a format that gives usefull information on how it will affect the powergrid
  - :func:`BaseAction.effect_on` returns a dictionnary that gives information about its effect.

Finally, :class:`BaseAction` class define some strict behavior to follow if reimplementing them. The correctness of each
instances of BaseAction is assessed both when calling :func:`BaseAction.update` or with a call to
:func:`BaseAction._check_for_ambiguity` performed for example by the Backend when it must implement its effect on the
powergrid through a call to :func:`BaseAction.__call__`


import numpy as np
import warnings

import pdb

from grid2op.Exceptions import *
from grid2op.Space import GridObjects

# TODO code "reduce" multiple action (eg __add__ method, carefull with that... for example "change", then "set" is not
# ambiguous at all, same with "set" then "change")

# TODO code "convert_for" and "convert_from" to be able to change the backend (should be handled by the backend directly)
# TODO have something that output a dict like "i want to change this element" (with a simpler API than the update stuff)
# TODO time delay somewhere (eg action is implemented after xxx timestep, and not at the time where it's proposed)

# TODO have the "reverse" action, that does the opposite of an action. Will be hard but who know ? :eyes:

# TODO tests for redispatching action.

[docs]class BaseAction(GridObjects): """ This is a base class for each :class:`BaseAction` objects. As stated above, an action represents conveniently the modifications that will affect a powergrid. It is not recommended to instantiate an action from scratch. The recommended way to get an action is either by modifying an existing one using the method :func:`BaseAction.update` or to call and :class:`ActionSpace` object that has been properly set up by an :class:`grid2op.Environment`. BaseAction can be fully converted to and back from a numpy array with a **fixed** size. An action can modify the grid in multiple ways. It can change : - the production and voltage setpoint of the generator units - the amount of power consumed (for both active and reactive part) for load - disconnect powerlines - change the topology of the _grid. To be valid, an action should be convertible to a tuple of 5 elements: - the first element is the "injections" vector: representing the way generator units and loads are modified - It is, in turn, a dictionary with the following keys (optional) - "load_p" a vector of the same size of the load, giving the modification of the loads active consumption - "load_q" a vector of the same size of the load, giving the modification of the loads reactive consumption - "prod_p" a vector of the same size of the generators, giving the modification of the productions active setpoint production - "prod_v" a vector of the same size of the generators, giving the modification of the productions voltage setpoint - the second element is made of force line status. It is made of a vector of size :attr:`BaseAction._n_lines` (the number of lines in the powergrid) and is interpreted as: - -1 force line disconnection - +1 force line reconnection - 0 do nothing to this line - the third element is the switch line status vector. It is made of a vector of size :attr:`BaseAction._n_lines` and is interpreted as: - ``True``: change the line status - ``False``: don't do anything - the fourth element set the buses to which the object is connected. It's a vector of integers with the following interpretation: - 0 -> don't change - 1 -> connect to bus 1 - 2 -> connect to bus 2 - -1 -> disconnect the object. - the fifth element changes the buses to which the object is connected. It's a boolean vector interpreted as: - ``False``: nothing is done - ``True``: change the bus eg connect it to bus 1 if it was connected to bus 2 or connect it to bus 2 if it was connected to bus 1. NB this is only active if the system has only 2 buses per substation (that's the case for the L2RPN challenge). - the sixth element is a vector, representing the redispatching. Component of this vector is added to the generators active setpoint value (if set) of the first elements. **NB** the difference between :attr:`BaseAction._set_topo_vect` and :attr:`BaseAction._change_bus_vect` is the following: - If a component of :attr:`BaseAction._set_topo_vect` is 1, then the object (load, generator or powerline) will be moved to bus 1 of the substation to which it is connected. If it is already to bus 1 nothing will be done. If it's on another bus it will connect it to bus 1. It's disconnected, it will reconnect it and connect it to bus 1. - If a component of :attr:`BaseAction._change_bus_vect` is True, then the object will be moved from one bus to another. If the object were on bus 1 it will be moved on bus 2, and if it were on bus 2, it will be moved on bus 1. If the object were disconnected, then this does nothing. The conversion to the action into an understandable format by the backend is performed by the "update" method, that takes into account a dictionary and is responsible to convert it into this format. It is possible to overload this class as long as the overloaded :func:`BaseAction.__call__` operator returns the specified format, and the :func:`BaseAction.__init__` method has the same signature. This format is then digested by the backend and the powergrid is modified accordingly. Attributes ---------- _set_line_status: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:int For each powerline, it gives the effect of the action on the status of it. It should be understood as: - -1: disconnect the powerline - 0: don't affect the powerline - +1: reconnect the powerline _switch_line_status: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:bool For each powerline, it informs whether the action will switch the status of a powerline of not. It should be understood as followed: - ``False``: the action doesn't affect the powerline - ``True``: the action affects the powerline. If it was connected, it will disconnect it. If it was disconnected, it will reconnect it. _dict_inj: ``dict`` Represents the modification of the injection (productions and loads) of the power _grid. This dictionary can have the optional keys: - "load_p" to set the active load values (this is a numpy array with the same size as the number of load in the power _grid with Nan: don't change anything, else set the value - "load_q": same as above but for the load reactive values - "prod_p": same as above but for the generator active setpoint values. It has the size corresponding to the number of generators in the test case. - "prod_v": same as above but set the voltage setpoint of generator units. _set_topo_vect: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:int Similar to :attr:`BaseAction._set_line_status` but instead of affecting the status of powerlines, it affects the bus connectivity at a substation. It has the same size as the full topological vector (:attr:`BaseAction._dim_topo`) and for each element it should be understood as: - 0: nothing is changed for this element - +1: this element is affected to bus 1 - -1: this element is affected to bus 2 _change_bus_vect: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:bool Similar to :attr:`BaseAction._switch_line_status` but it affects the topology at substations instead of the status of the powerline. It has the same size as the full topological vector (:attr:`BaseAction._dim_topo`) and each component should mean: - ``False``: the object is not affected - ``True``: the object will be moved to another bus. If it was on bus 1 it will be moved on bus 2, and if it was on bus 2 it will be moved on bus 1. authorized_keys: :class:`set` The set indicating which keys the actions can understand when calling :func:`BaseAction.update` _subs_impacted: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:bool This attributes is either not initialized (set to ``None``) or it tells, for each substation, if it is impacted by the action (in this case :attr:`BaseAction._subs_impacted`\[sub_id\] is ``True``) or not (in this case :attr:`BaseAction._subs_impacted`\[sub_id\] is ``False``) _lines_impacted: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:bool This attributes is either not initialized (set to ``None``) or it tells, for each powerline, if it is impacted by the action (in this case :attr:`BaseAction._lines_impacted`\[line_id\] is ``True``) or not (in this case :attr:`BaseAction._subs_impacted`\[line_id\] is ``False``) vars_action: ``list``, static The authorized key that are processed by :func:`BaseAction.__call__` to modify the injections vars_action_set: ``set``, static The authorized key that is processed by :func:`BaseAction.__call__` to modify the injections _redispatch: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:float Amount of redispatching that this action will perform. Redispatching will increase the generator's active setpoint value. This will be added to the value of the generators. The Environment will make sure that every physical constraint is met. This means that the agent provides a setpoint, but there is no guarantee that the setpoint will be achievable. Redispatching action is cumulative, this means that if at a given timestep you ask +10 MW on a generator, and on another you ask +10 MW then the total setpoint for this generator that the environment will try to implement is +20MW. """ vars_action = ["load_p", "load_q", "prod_p", "prod_v"] vars_action_set = set(vars_action)
[docs] def __init__(self, gridobj): """ This is used to create an BaseAction instance. Preferably, :class:`BaseAction` should be created with :class:`ActionSpace`. **It is NOT recommended** to create an action with this method. Please use :func:`ActionSpace.__call__` or :func:`ActionSpace.sample` to create a valid action. Parameters ---------- gridobj: :class:`grid2op.Space.GridObjects` Representation of the objects present in the powergrid """ GridObjects.__init__(self) self.init_grid(gridobj) self.authorized_keys = {"injection", "hazards", "maintenance", "set_line_status", "change_line_status", "set_bus", "change_bus", "redispatch"} # False(line is disconnected) / True(line is connected) self._set_line_status = None self._switch_line_status = None # injection change self._dict_inj = {} # redispatching self._redispatch = None # topology changed self._set_topo_vect = None self._change_bus_vect = None self._vectorized = None self._subs_impacted = None self._lines_impacted = None # add the hazards and maintenance usefull for saving. self._hazards = None self._maintenance = None # shunt data (not available in all backends) self.shunt_p = None self.shunt_q = None self.shunt_bus = None self.reset() # decomposition of the BaseAction into homogeneous sub-spaces self.attr_list_vect = ["prod_p", "prod_v", "load_p", "load_q", "_redispatch", "_set_line_status", "_switch_line_status", "_set_topo_vect", "_change_bus_vect", "_hazards", "_maintenance", ] if self.shunts_data_available: self.attr_list_vect += ["shunt_p", "shunt_q", "shunt_bus"] self.authorized_keys.add("shunt") self._single_act = True
[docs] def _get_array_from_attr_name(self, attr_name): if attr_name in self.__dict__: res = super()._get_array_from_attr_name(attr_name) else: if attr_name in self._dict_inj: res = self._dict_inj[attr_name] else: if attr_name == "prod_p" or attr_name == "prod_v": res = np.full(self.n_gen, fill_value=0., dtype=np.float) elif attr_name == "load_p" or attr_name == "load_q": res = np.full(self.n_load, fill_value=0., dtype=np.float) else: raise Grid2OpException("Impossible to find the attribute \"{}\" " "into the BaseAction of type \"{}\"".format(attr_name, type(self))) return res
[docs] def _assign_attr_from_name(self, attr_nm, vect): if attr_nm in self.__dict__: super()._assign_attr_from_name(attr_nm, vect) else: if np.any(np.isfinite(vect)): if np.any(vect != 0.): self._dict_inj[attr_nm] = vect
[docs] def check_space_legit(self): """ This method allows to check if this method is ambiguous **per se** (defined more formally as: whatever the observation at time *t*, and the changes that can occur between *t* and *t+1*, this action will be ambiguous). For example, an action that try to assign something to busbar 3 will be ambiguous *per se*. An action that tries to dispatch a non dispatchable generator will be also ambiguous *per se*. However, an action that "switch" (change) the status (connected / disconnected) of a powerline can be ambiguous and it will not be detected here. This is because the ambiguity depends on the current state of the powerline: - if the powerline is disconnected, changing its status means reconnecting it. And we cannot reconnect a powerline without specifying on which bus. - on the contrary if the powerline is connected, changing its status means disconnecting it, which is always feasible. In case of "switch" as we see here, the action can be ambiguous, but not ambiguous *per se*. This method will **never** throw any error in this case. Returns ------- """ self._check_for_ambiguity()
[docs] def get_set_line_status_vect(self): """ Computes and returns a vector that can be used in the :func:`BaseAction.__call__` with the keyword "set_status" if building an :class:`BaseAction`. **NB** this vector is not the internal vector of this action but corresponds to "do nothing" action. Returns ------- res: :class:`numpy.array`, A vector that doesn't affect the grid, but can be used in :func:`BaseAction.__call__` with the keyword "set_status" if building an :class:`BaseAction`. """ return np.full(shape=self.n_line, fill_value=0,
[docs] def get_change_line_status_vect(self): """ Computes and returns a vector that can be used in the :func:`BaseAction.__call__` with the keyword "set_status" if building an :class:`BaseAction`. **NB** this vector is not the internal vector of this action but corresponds to "do nothing" action. Returns ------- res: :class:`numpy.array`, dtype:np.bool A vector that doesn't affect the grid, but can be used in :func:`BaseAction.__call__` with the keyword "set_status" if building an :class:`BaseAction`. """ return np.full(shape=self.n_line, fill_value=False, dtype=np.bool)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: """ Test the equality of two actions. 2 actions are said to be identical if they have the same impact on the powergrid. This is unrelated to their respective class. For example, if an Action is of class :class:`Action` and doesn't act on the injection, it can be equal to an Action of the derived class :class:`TopologyAction` (if the topological modifications are the same of course). This implies that the attributes :attr:`Action.authorized_keys` is not checked in this method. Note that if 2 actions don't act on the same powergrid, or on the same backend (eg number of loads, or generators are not the same in *self* and *other*, or they are not in the same order) then action will be declared as different. **Known issue** if two backends are different, but the description of the _grid are identical (ie all n_gen, n_load, n_line, sub_info, dim_topo, all vectors \*_to_subid, and \*_pos_topo_vect are identical) then this method will not detect the backend are different, and the action could be declared as identical. For now, this is only a theoretical behavior: if everything is the same, then probably, up to the naming convention, then the power grids are identical too. Parameters ---------- other: :class:`BaseAction` An instance of class Action to which "self" will be compared. Returns ------- res: ``bool`` Whether the actions are equal or not. """ # check that the _grid is the same in both instances same_grid = True same_grid = same_grid and self.n_gen == other.n_gen same_grid = same_grid and self.n_load == other.n_load same_grid = same_grid and self.n_line == other.n_line same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.sub_info == other.sub_info) same_grid = same_grid and self.dim_topo == other.dim_topo # to which substation is connected each element same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.load_to_subid == other.load_to_subid) same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.gen_to_subid == other.gen_to_subid) same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.line_or_to_subid == other.line_or_to_subid) same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.line_ex_to_subid == other.line_ex_to_subid) # which index has this element in the substation vector same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.load_to_sub_pos == other.load_to_sub_pos) same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.gen_to_sub_pos == other.gen_to_sub_pos) same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.line_or_to_sub_pos == other.line_or_to_sub_pos) same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.line_ex_to_sub_pos == other.line_ex_to_sub_pos) # which index has this element in the topology vector same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.load_pos_topo_vect == other.load_pos_topo_vect) same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.gen_pos_topo_vect == other.gen_pos_topo_vect) same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.line_or_pos_topo_vect == other.line_or_pos_topo_vect) same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.line_ex_pos_topo_vect == other.line_ex_pos_topo_vect) if not same_grid: return False # _grid is the same, now I test the the injections modifications are the same same_action = self._dict_inj.keys() == other._dict_inj.keys() if not same_action: return False # all injections are the same for el in self._dict_inj.keys(): if not np.all(self._dict_inj[el] == other._dict_inj[el]): return False # same line status if not np.all(self._set_line_status == other._set_line_status): return False if not np.all(self._switch_line_status == other._switch_line_status): return False # redispatching is same if not np.all(self._redispatch == other._redispatch): return False # same topology changes if not np.all(self._set_topo_vect == other._set_topo_vect): return False if not np.all(self._change_bus_vect == other._change_bus_vect): return False # shunts are the same if self.shunts_data_available: if self.n_shunt != other.n_shunt: return False is_ok_me = np.isfinite(self.shunt_p) is_ok_ot = np.isfinite(other.shunt_p) if np.any(is_ok_me != is_ok_ot): return False if not np.all(self.shunt_p[is_ok_me] == other.shunt_p[is_ok_ot]): return False is_ok_me = np.isfinite(self.shunt_q) is_ok_ot = np.isfinite(other.shunt_q) if np.any(is_ok_me != is_ok_ot): return False if not np.all(self.shunt_q[is_ok_me] == other.shunt_q[is_ok_ot]): return False if not np.all(self.shunt_bus == other.shunt_bus): return False return True
[docs] def get_topological_impact(self, powerline_status=None): """ Gives information about the element being impacted by this action. **NB** The impacted elements can be used by :class:`grid2op.BaseRules` to determine whether or not an action is legal or not. **NB** The impacted are the elements that can potentially be impacted by the action. This does not mean they will be impacted. For examples: - If an action from an :class:`grid2op.BaseAgent` reconnect a powerline, but this powerline is being disconnected by a hazard at the same time step, then this action will not be implemented on the grid. However, it this powerline couldn't be reconnected for some reason (for example it was already out of order) the action will still be declared illegal, even if it has NOT impacted the powergrid. - If an action tries to disconnect a powerline already disconnected, it will "impact" this powergrid. This means that even if the action will do nothing, it disconnecting this powerline is against the rules, then the action will be illegal. - If an action tries to change the topology of a substation, but this substation is already at the target topology, the same mechanism applies. The action will "impact" the substation, even if, in the end, it consists of doing nothing. Any such "change" that would be illegal is declared as "illegal" regardless of the real impact of this action on the powergrid. Returns ------- lines_impacted: :class:`numpy.array`, dtype:np.bool A vector with the same size as the number of powerlines in the grid (:attr:`BaseAction.n_line`) with for each component ``True`` if the line STATUS is impacted by the action, and ``False`` otherwise. See :attr:`BaseAction._lines_impacted` for more information. subs_impacted: :class:`numpy.array`, dtype:np.bool A vector with the same size as the number of substations in the grid with for each component ``True`` if the substation is impacted by the action, and ``False`` otherwise. See :attr:`BaseAction._subs_impacted` for more information. """ if powerline_status is None: powerline_status = np.full(self.n_line, fill_value=False, dtype=np.bool) if self._lines_impacted is None: self._lines_impacted = self._switch_line_status | (self._set_line_status != 0 & (~powerline_status)) if self._subs_impacted is None: # supposes tha self._lines_impacted self._subs_impacted = np.full(shape=self.sub_info.shape, fill_value=False, dtype=np.bool) beg_ = 0 end_ = 0 powerlines_reco = np.where(self._set_line_status == 1 & (~powerline_status))[0] # all the id of the powerlines reconnected sub_or_id = self.line_or_to_subid[powerlines_reco] sub_ex_id = self.line_ex_to_subid[powerlines_reco] sub_id = np.concatenate((sub_or_id, sub_ex_id)) sub_id_unique, sub_counts = np.unique(sub_id, return_counts=True) sub_counts = dict(zip(sub_id_unique, sub_counts)) is_sub_concerned = np.full(shape=self.sub_info.shape, fill_value=False, dtype=np.bool) is_sub_concerned[sub_id_unique] = True for sub_id, nb_obj in enumerate(self.sub_info): nb_obj = int(nb_obj) end_ += nb_obj if np.any(self._change_bus_vect[beg_:end_]): # change always impact the substations self._subs_impacted[sub_id] = True nb_set = np.sum(self._set_topo_vect[beg_:end_] != 0) if nb_set > 0: # if a powerline has been reconnected, don't count busor and busex as "impacted" if the action # concerned only the reconnected powerline # in some cases, set does not impact it then. if not is_sub_concerned[sub_id]: # no powerline are connected here so self._subs_impacted[sub_id] = True else: # in this case, i reconnected a powerline having one of its end on a substation, so you might not # need to count this action if sub_counts[sub_id] != nb_set: # in this case, only actions regarding reconnection of powerlines are performed self._subs_impacted[sub_id] = True beg_ += nb_obj return self._lines_impacted, self._subs_impacted
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset the action to the "do nothing" state. Returns ------- """ # False(line is disconnected) / True(line is connected) self._set_line_status = np.full(shape=self.n_line, fill_value=0, self._switch_line_status = np.full(shape=self.n_line, fill_value=False, dtype=np.bool) # injection change self._dict_inj = {} # topology changed self._set_topo_vect = np.full(shape=self.dim_topo, fill_value=0, self._change_bus_vect = np.full(shape=self.dim_topo, fill_value=False, dtype=np.bool) # add the hazards and maintenance usefull for saving. self._hazards = np.full(shape=self.n_line, fill_value=False, dtype=np.bool) self._maintenance = np.full(shape=self.n_line, fill_value=False, dtype=np.bool) # redispatching vector self._redispatch = np.full(shape=self.n_gen, fill_value=0., dtype=np.float) self._vectorized = None self._lines_impacted = None self._subs_impacted = None # shunts if self.shunts_data_available: self.shunt_p = np.full(shape=self.n_shunt, fill_value=np.NaN, dtype=np.float) self.shunt_q = np.full(shape=self.n_shunt, fill_value=np.NaN, dtype=np.float) self.shunt_bus = np.full(shape=self.n_shunt, fill_value=0,
[docs] def __iadd__(self, other): """ Add an action to this one. Adding an action to myself is equivalent to perform myself, and then perform other. Add will have the following properties: - it erase the previous changes to injections - Parameters ---------- other: :class:`BaseAction` Returns ------- """ # deal with injections for el in self.vars_action: if el in other._dict_inj: if el not in self._dict_inj: self._dict_inj[el] = other._dict_inj[el] else: val = other._dict_inj[el] ok_ind = np.isfinite(val) self._dict_inj[el][ok_ind] = val[ok_ind] # redispatching redispatching = other._redispatch if np.any(redispatching != 0.): ok_ind = np.isfinite(redispatching) self._redispatch[ok_ind] += redispatching[ok_ind] # set and change status other_set = other._set_line_status other_change = other._switch_line_status me_set = self._set_line_status me_change = self._switch_line_status # i set, but the other change, so it's equivalent to setting to the opposite # so change +1 becomes -1 and -1 becomes +1 me_set[other_change] *= -1 # i set, the other set me_set[other_set != 0] = other_set[other_set != 0] # i change, but so does the other, i do nothing me_change[other_change] = False # i change, but the other set, it's erased me_change[other_set != 0] = False self._set_line_status = me_set self._switch_line_status = me_change # set and change bus other_set = other._set_topo_vect other_change = other._change_bus_vect me_set = self._set_topo_vect me_change = self._change_bus_vect # i set, but the other change, so it's equivalent to setting to the opposite # so change +1 becomes +2 and +2 becomes +1 me_set[other_change] -= 1 # 1 becomes 0 and 2 becomes 1 me_set[other_change] *= -1 # 1 is 0 and 2 becomes -1 me_set[other_change] += 2 # 1 is 2 and 2 becomes 1 # i set, the other set me_set[other_set != 0] = other_set[other_set != 0] # i change, but so does the other, i do nothing me_change[other_change] = False # i change, but the other set, it's erased me_change[other_set != 0] = False self._set_topo_vect = me_set self._change_bus_vect = me_change # shunts if self.shunts_data_available: val = other.shunt_p ok_ind = np.isfinite(val) self.shunt_p[ok_ind] = val[ok_ind] val = other.shunt_q ok_ind = np.isfinite(val) self.shunt_q[ok_ind] = val[ok_ind] val = other.shunt_bus ok_ind = val != 0 self.shunt_bus[ok_ind] = val[ok_ind] return self
[docs] def __call__(self): """ This method is used to return the effect of the current action in a format understandable by the backend. This format is detailed below. This function must also integrate the redispatching strategy for the BaseAction. It also performs a check of whether or not an action is "Ambiguous", eg an action that reconnect a powerline but doesn't specify on which bus to reconnect it is said to be ambiguous. If this :func:`BaseAction.__call__` is overloaded, the call of :func:`BaseAction._check_for_ambiguity` must be ensured by this the derived class. Returns ------- dict_injection: :class:`dict` This dictionnary is :attr:`BaseAction._dict_inj` set_line_status: :class:`numpy.array`, dtype:int This array is :attr:`BaseAction._set_line_status` switch_line_status: :class:`numpy.array`, dtype:bool This array is :attr:`BaseAction._switch_line_status` set_topo_vect: :class:`numpy.array`, dtype:int This array is :attr:`BaseAction._set_topo_vect` change_bus_vect: :class:`numpy.array`, dtype:bool This array is :attr:`BaseAction._change_bus_vect` redispatch: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:float This array, that has the same size as the number of generators indicates for each generator the amount of redispatching performed by the action. shunts: ``dict`` A dictionnary containing the shunts data, with keys: "shunt_p", "shunt_q" and "shunt_bus" and the convention, for "shun_p" and "shunt_q" that Nan means "don't change" and for shunt_bus: -1 => disconnect 0 don't change, and 1 / 2 connect to bus 1 / 2 Raises ------- :class:`grid2op.Exceptions.AmbiguousAction` Or one of its derivate class. """ self._check_for_ambiguity() dict_inj = self._dict_inj set_line_status = self._set_line_status switch_line_status = self._switch_line_status set_topo_vect = self._set_topo_vect change_bus_vect = self._change_bus_vect redispatch = self._redispatch shunts = {} if self.shunts_data_available: shunts["shunt_p"] = self.shunt_p shunts["shunt_q"] = self.shunt_q shunts["shunt_bus"] = self.shunt_bus return dict_inj, set_line_status, switch_line_status, set_topo_vect, change_bus_vect, redispatch, shunts
def _digest_shunt(self, dict_): if not self.shunts_data_available: return if "shunt" in dict_: ddict_ = dict_["shunt"] key_shunt_reco = {"set_bus", "shunt_p", "shunt_q", "shunt_bus"} for k in ddict_: if k not in key_shunt_reco: warn = "The key {} is not recognized by BaseAction when trying to modify the shunt.".format(k) warn += " Recognized keys are {}".format(sorted(key_shunt_reco)) warnings.warn(warn) for key_n, vect_self in zip(["shunt_bus", "shunt_p", "shunt_q", "set_bus"], [self.shunt_bus, self.shunt_p, self.shunt_q, self.shunt_bus]): if key_n in ddict_: tmp = ddict_[key_n] if isinstance(tmp, np.ndarray): # complete shunt vector is provided vect_self[:] = tmp elif isinstance(tmp, list): # expected a list: (id shunt, new bus) for (sh_id, new_bus) in tmp: if sh_id < 0: raise AmbiguousAction("Invalid shunt id {}. Shunt id should be positive".format(sh_id)) if sh_id >= self.n_shunt: raise AmbiguousAction("Invalid shunt id {}. Shunt id should be less than the number " "of shunt {}".format(sh_id, self.n_shunt)) vect_self[sh_id] = new_bus elif tmp is None: pass else: raise AmbiguousAction("Invalid way to modify {} for shunts. It should be a numpy array or a " "dictionnary.".format(key_n)) def _digest_injection(self, dict_): # I update the action if "injection" in dict_: if dict_["injection"] is not None: tmp_d = dict_["injection"] for k in tmp_d: # ["load_p", "prod_p", "load_q", "prod_v"]: if k in self.vars_action_set: self._dict_inj[k] = np.array(tmp_d[k]) else: warn = "The key {} is not recognized by BaseAction when trying to modify the injections.".format(k) warnings.warn(warn) def _digest_setbus(self, dict_): if "set_bus" in dict_: if isinstance(dict_["set_bus"], np.ndarray): # complete nodal topology vector is already provided self._set_topo_vect = dict_["set_bus"] elif isinstance(dict_["set_bus"], dict): ddict_ = dict_["set_bus"] handled = False # authorized_keys = {"loads_id", "generators_id", "lines_or_id", "lines_ex_id", "substations_id"} if "loads_id" in ddict_: tmp = ddict_["loads_id"] handled = True for (c_id, bus) in tmp: if c_id >= self.n_line: raise AmbiguousAction("Load {} doesn't exist".format(c_id)) self._set_topo_vect[self.load_pos_topo_vect[c_id]] = bus # print("self.load_pos_topo_vect[l_id] {}".format(self.load_pos_topo_vect[l_id])) if "generators_id" in ddict_: tmp = ddict_["generators_id"] handled = True for (g_id, bus) in tmp: if g_id >= self.n_gen: raise AmbiguousAction("Generator {} doesn't exist".format(g_id)) self._set_topo_vect[self.gen_pos_topo_vect[g_id]] = bus if "lines_or_id" in ddict_: tmp = ddict_["lines_or_id"] handled = True for (l_id, bus) in tmp: if l_id >= self.n_line: raise AmbiguousAction("Powerline {} doesn't exist".format(l_id)) self._set_topo_vect[self.line_or_pos_topo_vect[l_id]] = bus if "lines_ex_id" in ddict_: tmp = ddict_["lines_ex_id"] handled = True for (l_id, bus) in tmp: if l_id >= self.n_line: raise AmbiguousAction("Powerline {} doesn't exist".format(l_id)) self._set_topo_vect[self.line_ex_pos_topo_vect[l_id]] = bus if "substations_id" in ddict_: handled = True tmp = ddict_["substations_id"] for (s_id, arr) in tmp: if s_id >= self.sub_info.shape[0]: raise AmbiguousAction("Substation {} doesn't exist".format(s_id)) s_id = int(s_id) beg_ = int(np.sum(self.sub_info[:s_id])) end_ = int(beg_ + self.sub_info[s_id]) self._set_topo_vect[beg_:end_] = arr if not handled: msg = "Invalid way to set the topology. When dict_[\"set_bus\"] is a dictionnary it should have" msg += " at least one of \"loads_id\", \"generators_id\", \"lines_or_id\", " msg += "\"lines_ex_id\" or \"substations_id\"" msg += " as keys. None where found. Current used keys are: " msg += "{}".format(sorted(ddict_.keys())) raise AmbiguousAction(msg) elif dict_["set_bus"] is None: pass else: raise AmbiguousAction( "Invalid way to set the topology. dict_[\"set_bus\"] should be a numpy array or a dictionnary.") def _digest_change_bus(self, dict_): if "change_bus" in dict_: if isinstance(dict_["change_bus"], np.ndarray): # topology vector is already provided self._change_bus_vect = dict_["change_bus"] elif isinstance(dict_["change_bus"], dict): ddict_ = dict_["change_bus"] if "loads_id" in ddict_: tmp = ddict_["loads_id"] for l_id in tmp: self._change_bus_vect[self.load_pos_topo_vect[l_id]] = not self._change_bus_vect[ self.load_pos_topo_vect[l_id]] if "generators_id" in ddict_: tmp = ddict_["generators_id"] for g_id in tmp: self._change_bus_vect[self.gen_pos_topo_vect[g_id]] = not self._change_bus_vect[ self.gen_pos_topo_vect[g_id]] if "lines_or_id" in ddict_: tmp = ddict_["lines_or_id"] for l_id in tmp: self._change_bus_vect[self.line_or_pos_topo_vect[l_id]] = not self._change_bus_vect[ self.line_or_pos_topo_vect[l_id]] if "lines_ex_id" in ddict_: tmp = ddict_["lines_ex_id"] for l_id in tmp: self._change_bus_vect[self.line_ex_pos_topo_vect[l_id]] = not self._change_bus_vect[ self.line_ex_pos_topo_vect[l_id]] if "substations_id" in ddict_: tmp = ddict_["substations_id"] for (s_id, arr) in tmp: s_id = int(s_id) beg_ = int(np.sum(self.sub_info[:s_id])) end_ = int(beg_ + self.sub_info[s_id]) self._change_bus_vect[beg_:end_][arr] = ~self._change_bus_vect[beg_:end_][arr] elif dict_["change_bus"] is None: pass else: raise AmbiguousAction( "Invalid way to set the topology. dict_[\"change_bus\"] should be a numpy array or a dictionnary.") def _digest_set_status(self, dict_): if "set_line_status" in dict_: # the action will disconnect a powerline # note that if a powerline is already disconnected, it does nothing # this action can both disconnect or reconnect a powerlines if isinstance(dict_["set_line_status"], np.ndarray): if dict_["set_line_status"] is not None: if len(dict_["set_line_status"]) != self.n_line: raise InvalidNumberOfLines( "This \"set_line_status\" action acts on {} lines while there are {} in the grid".format( len(dict_["set_line_status"]), self.n_line)) sel_ = dict_["set_line_status"] != 0 # update the line status vector self._set_line_status[sel_] = dict_["set_line_status"][sel_].astype( else: for l_id, status_ in dict_["set_line_status"]: self._set_line_status[l_id] = status_ def _digest_hazards(self, dict_): if "hazards" in dict_: # set the values of the power lines to "disconnected" for element being "False" # does nothing to the others # an hazard will never reconnect a powerline if dict_["hazards"] is not None: tmp = dict_["hazards"] try: tmp = np.array(tmp) except: raise AmbiguousAction( "You ask to perform hazard on powerlines, this can only be done if \"hazards\" is castable into a numpy ndarray") if np.issubdtype(tmp.dtype, np.dtype(bool).type): if len(tmp) != self.n_line: raise InvalidNumberOfLines( "This \"hazards\" action acts on {} lines while there are {} in the _grid".format( len(tmp), self.n_line)) elif not np.issubdtype(tmp.dtype, np.dtype(int).type): raise AmbiguousAction("You can only ask hazards with int or boolean numpy array vector.") self._set_line_status[tmp] = -1 self._hazards[tmp] = True # force ignore of any topological actions self._ignore_topo_action_if_disconnection(tmp) def _digest_maintenance(self, dict_): if "maintenance" in dict_: # set the values of the power lines to "disconnected" for element being "False" # does nothing to the others # a _maintenance operation will never reconnect a powerline if dict_["maintenance"] is not None: tmp = dict_["maintenance"] try: tmp = np.array(tmp) except: raise AmbiguousAction( "You ask to perform maintenance on powerlines, this can only be done if \"maintenance\" is castable into a numpy ndarray") if np.issubdtype(tmp.dtype, np.dtype(bool).type): if len(tmp) != self.n_line: raise InvalidNumberOfLines( "This \"maintenance\" action acts on {} lines while there are {} in the _grid".format( len(tmp), self.n_line)) elif not np.issubdtype(tmp.dtype, np.dtype(int).type): raise AmbiguousAction( "You can only ask to perform lines maintenance with int or boolean numpy array vector.") self._set_line_status[tmp] = -1 self._maintenance[tmp] = True self._ignore_topo_action_if_disconnection(tmp) def _digest_change_status(self, dict_): if "change_line_status" in dict_: # the action will switch the status of the powerline # for each element equal to 1 in this dict_["change_line_status"] # if the status is "disconnected" it will be transformed into "connected" # and if the status is "connected" it will be switched to "disconnected" # Lines with "0" in this vector are not impacted. if dict_["change_line_status"] is not None: tmp = dict_["change_line_status"] try: tmp = np.array(tmp) except: raise AmbiguousAction( "You ask to change the bus status, this can only be done if \"change_status\" is castable into a numpy ndarray") if np.issubdtype(tmp.dtype, np.dtype(bool).type): if len(tmp) != self.n_line: raise InvalidNumberOfLines( "This \"change_line_status\" action acts on {} lines while there are {} in the _grid".format( len(tmp), self.n_line)) elif not np.issubdtype(tmp.dtype, np.dtype(int).type): raise AmbiguousAction("You can only change line status with int or boolean numpy array vector.") self._switch_line_status[dict_["change_line_status"]] = True def __convert_and_redispatch(self, kk, val): try: kk = int(kk) val = float(val) except Exception as e: raise AmbiguousAction("In redispatching, it's not possible to understand the key/value pair " "{}/{} provided in the dictionnary. Key must be an integer, value " "a float".format(kk, val)) self._redispatch[kk] = val def _digest_redispatching(self, dict_): if "redispatch" in dict_: if dict_["redispatch"] is None: return tmp = dict_["redispatch"] if isinstance(tmp, np.ndarray): # complete redispatching is provided self._redispatch = tmp elif isinstance(tmp, dict): # dict must have key: generator to modify, value: the delta value applied to this generator ddict_ = tmp for kk, val in ddict_.items(): kk, val = self.__convert_and_redispatch(kk, val) elif isinstance(tmp, list): # list of tuples: each tupe (k,v) being the same as the key/value describe above treated = False if len(tmp) == 2: if isinstance(tmp[0], tuple): # there are 2 tuples in the list, i dont treat it as a tuple treated = False else: # i treat it as a tuple if len(tmp) != 2: raise AmbiguousAction("When asking for redispatching with a tuple, you should make a " "of tuple of 2 elements, the first one being the id of the" "generator to redispatch, the second one the value of the " "redispatching.") kk, val = tmp self.__convert_and_redispatch(kk, val) treated = True if not treated: for el in tmp: if len(el) != 2: raise AmbiguousAction("When asking for redispatching with a list, you should make a list" "of tuple of 2 elements, the first one being the id of the" "generator to redispatch, the second one the value of the " "redispatching.") kk, val = el self.__convert_and_redispatch(kk, val) elif isinstance(tmp, tuple): if len(tmp) != 2: raise AmbiguousAction("When asking for redispatching with a tuple, you should make a " "of tuple of 2 elements, the first one being the id of the" "generator to redispatch, the second one the value of the " "redispatching.") kk, val = tmp self.__convert_and_redispatch(kk, val) else: raise AmbiguousAction("Impossible to understand the redispatching action implemented.")
[docs] def _reset_vect(self): """ Need to be called when update is called ! Returns ------- """ self._vectorized = None self._subs_impacted = None self._lines_impacted = None
[docs] def update(self, dict_): """ Update the action with a comprehensible format specified by a dictionary. Preferably, if a key of the argument *dict_* is not found in :attr:`Action.authorized_keys` it should throw a warning. This argument will be completely ignored. This method also reset the attributes :attr:`Action._vectorized` :attr:`Action._lines_impacted` and :attr:`Action._subs_impacted` to ``None`` regardless of the argument in input. If an action consists of "reconnecting" a powerline, and this same powerline is affected by maintenance or a hazard, it will be erased without any warning. "hazards" and "maintenance" have the priority. This is a requirement for all proper :class:`Action` subclass. Parameters ---------- dict_: :class:`dict` If it's ``None`` or empty it does nothing. Otherwise, it can contain the following (optional) keys: - "*injection*" if the action will modify the injections (generator setpoint/load value - active or reactive) of the powergrid. It has optionally one of the following keys: - "load_p": to set the active load values (this is a numpy array with the same size as the number of load in the power _grid with Nan: don't change anything, else set the value - "load_q": same as above but for the load reactive values - "prod_p": same as above but for the generator active setpoint values. It has the size corresponding to the number of generators in the test case. - "prod_v": same as above but set the voltage setpoint of generator units. - "*hazards*": represents the hazards that the line might suffer (boolean vector) False: no hazard, nothing is done, True: a hazard, the powerline is disconnected - "*maintenance*": represents the maintenance operation performed on each powerline (boolean vector) False: no maintenance, nothing is done, True: a maintenance is scheduled, the powerline is disconnected - "*set_line_status*": a vector (int or float) to set the status of the powerline status (connected / disconnected) with the following interpretation: - 0: nothing is changed, - -1: disconnect the powerline, - +1: reconnect the powerline. If an action consists in "reconnecting" a powerline, and this same powerline is affected by a maintenance or a hazard, it will be erased without any warning. "hazards" and "maintenance" have the priority. - "change_line_status": a vector (bool) to change the status of the powerline. This vector should be interpreted as: - ``False``: do nothing - ``True``: change the status of the powerline: disconnect it if it was connected, connect it if it was disconnected - "set_bus": (numpy int vector or dictionary) will set the buses to which the objects are connected. It follows a similar interpretation than the line status vector: - 0 -> don't change anything - +1 -> set to bus 1, - +2 -> set to bus 2, etc. - -1: You can use this method to disconnect an object by setting the value to -1. - "change_bus": (numpy bool vector or dictionary) will change the bus to which the object is connected. True will change it (eg switch it from bus 1 to bus 2 or from bus 2 to bus 1). NB this is only active if the system has only 2 buses per substation. - "redispatch" TODO **NB** the difference between "set_bus" and "change_bus" is the following: - If "set_bus" is 1, then the object (load, generator or powerline) will be moved to bus 1 of the substation to which it is connected. If it is already to bus 1 nothing will be done. If it's on another bus it will connect it to bus 1. It's disconnected, it will reconnect it and connect it to bus 1. - If "change_bus" is True, then objects will be moved from one bus to another. If the object were on bus 1 then it will be moved on bus 2, and if it were on bus 2, it will be moved on bus 1. If the object is disconnected then the action is ambiguous, and calling it will throw an AmbiguousAction exception. **NB**: if a powerline is reconnected, it should be specified on the "set_bus" action at which buses it should be reconnected. Otherwise, action cannot be used. Trying to apply the action to the grid will lead to an "AmbiguousAction" exception. **NB**: if for a given powerline, both switch_line_status and set_line_status is set, the action will not be usable. This will lead to an :class:`grid2op.Exception.AmbiguousAction` exception. **NB**: The length of vectors provided here is NOT check in this function. This method can be "chained" and only on the final action, when used, eg. in the Backend, is checked. **NB**: If a powerline is disconnected, on maintenance, or suffer an outage, the associated "set_bus" will be ignored. Disconnection has the priority on anything. This priority is given because, in case of hazard, the hazard has the priority over the possible actions. Examples -------- Here are short examples on how to update an action *eg.* how to create a valid :class:`Action` object that be used to modify a :class:`grid2op.Backend.Backend`. In all the following examples, we suppose that a valid grid2op environment is created, for example with: .. code-block:: python import grid2op # create a simple environment # and make sure every type of action can be used. env = grid2op.make(action_class=grid2op.Action.Action) *Example 1*: modify the load active values to set them all to 1. You can replace "load_p" by "load_q", "prod_p" or "prod_v" to change the load reactive value, the generator active setpoint or the generator voltage magnitude setpoint. .. code-block:: python new_load = np.ones(env.action_space.n_load) modify_load_active_value = env.action_space({"injection": {"load_p": new_load}}) print(modify_load_active_value) *Example 2*: disconnect the powerline of id 1: .. code-block:: python disconnect_powerline = env.action_space({"set_line_status": [(1, -1)]}) print(disconnect_powerline) # there is a shortcut to do that: disconnect_powerline2 = env.disconnect_powerline(line_id=1) *Example 3*: force the reconnection of the powerline of id 5 by connected it to bus 1 on its origin end and bus 2 on its extremity end. Note that this is mandatory to specify on which bus to reconnect each extremity of the powerline. Otherwise it's an ambiguous action. .. code-block:: python reconnect_powerline = env.action_space({"set_line_status": [(5, 1)], "set_bus": {"lines_or_id": [(5, 1)]}, "set_bus": {"lines_ex_id": [(5, 2)]} }) print(reconnect_powerline) # and the shorter method: reconnect_powerline =, bus_or=1, bus_ex=2) *Example 4*: change the bus to which load 4 is connected: .. code-block:: python change_load_bus = env.action_space({"set_bus": {"loads_id": [(4, 1)]} }) print(change_load_bus) *Example 5*: reconfigure completely substation 5, and connect the first 3 elements to bus 1 and the last 3 elements to bus 2 .. code-block:: python sub_id = 5 target_topology = np.ones(env.sub_info[sub_id], target_topology[3:] = 2 reconfig_sub = env.action_space({"set_bus": {"substations_id": [(sub_id, target_topology)] } }) print(reconfig_sub) Returns ------- self: :class:`BaseAction` Return the modified instance. This is handy to chain modifications if needed. """ self._reset_vect() if dict_ is not None: for kk in dict_.keys(): if kk not in self.authorized_keys: warn = "The key \"{}\" used to update an action will be ignored. Valid keys are {}" warn = warn.format(kk, self.authorized_keys) warnings.warn(warn) self._digest_shunt(dict_) self._digest_injection(dict_) self._digest_redispatching(dict_) self._digest_setbus(dict_) self._digest_change_bus(dict_) self._digest_set_status(dict_) self._digest_hazards(dict_) self._digest_maintenance(dict_) self._digest_change_status(dict_) return self
[docs] def is_ambiguous(self): """ Says if the action, as defined is ambiguous *per se* or not. See definition of :func:`BaseAction.check_space_legit` for more details about *ambiguity per se*. Returns ------- res: ``True`` if the action is ambiguous, ``False`` otherwise. info: ``dict`` or not More information about the error. If the action is not ambiguous, it values to ``None`` """ try: self._check_for_ambiguity() res = False info = None except AmbiguousAction as e: info = e res = True return res, info
[docs] def _check_for_ambiguity(self): """ This method checks if an action is ambiguous or not. If the instance is ambiguous, an :class:`grid2op.Exceptions.AmbiguousAction` is raised. An action can be ambiguous in the following context: - It incorrectly affects the injections: - :code:`self._dict_inj["load_p"]` doesn't have the same size as the number of loads on the _grid. - :code:`self._dict_inj["load_q"]` doesn't have the same size as the number of loads on the _grid. - :code:`self._dict_inj["prod_p"]` doesn't have the same size as the number of loads on the _grid. - :code:`self._dict_inj["prod_v"]` doesn't have the same size as the number of loads on the _grid. - It affects the powerline in an incorrect manner: - :code:`self._switch_line_status` has not the same size as the number of powerlines - :code:`self._set_line_status` has not the same size as the number of powerlines - somes lines are reconnected (:code:`self._switch_line_status[i] == True` for some powerline *i* but it is not specified on which bus to connect it ( the element corresponding to powerline *i* in :code:`self._set_topo_vect` is set to 0) - the status of some powerline is both *changed* (:code:`self._switch_line_status[i] == True` for some *i*) and *set* (:code:`self._set_line_status[i]` for the same *i* is not 0) - It has an ambiguous behavior concerning the topology of some substations - the state of some bus for some element is both *changed* (:code:`self._change_bus_vect[i] = True` for some *i*) and *set* (:code:`self._set_topo_vect[i]` for the same *i* is not 0) - :code:`self._set_topo_vect` has not the same dimension as the number of elements on the powergrid - :code:`self._change_bus_vect` has not the same dimension as the number of elements on the powergrid - For redispatching, Ambiguous actions can come from: - Some redispatching action is active, yet :attr:`grid2op.Space.GridObjects.redispatching_unit_commitment_availble` is set to ``False`` - the length of the redispatching vector :attr:`BaseAction._redispatching` is not compatible with the number of generators. - some redispatching are above the maximum ramp up :attr:`grid2op.Space.GridObjects.gen_max_ramp_up` - some redispatching are below the maximum ramp down :attr:`grid2op.Space.GridObjects.gen_max_ramp_down` - the redispatching action affect non dispatchable generators - the redispatching and the production setpoint, if added, are above pmax for at least a generator - the redispatching and the production setpoint, if added, are below pmin for at least a generator In case of need to overload this method, it is advise to still call this one from the base :class:`BaseAction` with ":code:`super()._check_for_ambiguity()`" or ":code:`BaseAction._check_for_ambiguity(self)`". Raises ------- :class:`grid2op.Exceptions.AmbiguousAction` Or any of its more precise subclasses, depending on which assumption is not met. """ if np.any(self._set_line_status[self._switch_line_status] != 0): raise InvalidLineStatus("You asked to change the status (connected / disconnected) of a powerline by" " using the keyword \"change_status\" and set this same line state in " "\"set_status\" " "(or \"hazard\" or \"maintenance\"). This ambiguous behaviour is not supported") # check size if "load_p" in self._dict_inj: if len(self._dict_inj["load_p"]) != self.n_load: raise InvalidNumberOfLoads("This action acts on {} loads while there are {} " "in the _grid".format(len(self._dict_inj["load_p"]), self.n_load)) if "load_q" in self._dict_inj: if len(self._dict_inj["load_q"]) != self.n_load: raise InvalidNumberOfLoads("This action acts on {} loads while there are {} in " "the _grid".format(len(self._dict_inj["load_q"]), self.n_load)) if "prod_p" in self._dict_inj: if len(self._dict_inj["prod_p"]) != self.n_gen: raise InvalidNumberOfGenerators("This action acts on {} generators while there are {} in " "the _grid".format(len(self._dict_inj["prod_p"]), self.n_gen)) if "prod_v" in self._dict_inj: if len(self._dict_inj["prod_v"]) != self.n_gen: raise InvalidNumberOfGenerators("This action acts on {} generators while there are {} in " "the _grid".format(len(self._dict_inj["prod_v"]), self.n_gen)) if len(self._switch_line_status) != self.n_line: raise InvalidNumberOfLines("This action acts on {} lines while there are {} in " "the _grid".format(len(self._switch_line_status), self.n_line)) if len(self._set_topo_vect) != self.dim_topo: raise InvalidNumberOfObjectEnds("This action acts on {} ends of object while there are {} " "in the _grid".format(len(self._set_topo_vect), self.dim_topo)) if len(self._change_bus_vect) != self.dim_topo: raise InvalidNumberOfObjectEnds("This action acts on {} ends of object while there are {} " "in the _grid".format(len(self._change_bus_vect), self.dim_topo)) if len(self._redispatch) != self.n_gen: raise InvalidNumberOfGenerators("This action acts on {} generators (redispatching= while " "there are {} in the grid".format(len(self._redispatch), self.n_gen)) # redispatching specific check if np.any(self._redispatch != 0.): if not self.redispatching_unit_commitment_availble: raise UnitCommitorRedispachingNotAvailable("Impossible to use a redispatching action in this " "environment. Please set up the proper costs for generator") if np.any(self._redispatch[~self.gen_redispatchable] != 0.): raise InvalidRedispatching("Trying to apply a redispatching action on a non redispatchable generator") if self._single_act: # TODO check that when action is made (and check also the buses id, don't put 3 for example...) if np.any(self._redispatch > self.gen_max_ramp_up): raise InvalidRedispatching("Some redispatching amount are above the maximum ramp up") if np.any(-self._redispatch > self.gen_max_ramp_down): raise InvalidRedispatching("Some redispatching amount are bellow the maximum ramp down") if "prod_p" in self._dict_inj: new_p = self._dict_inj["prod_p"] tmp_p = new_p + self._redispatch indx_ok = np.isfinite(new_p) if np.any(tmp_p[indx_ok] > self.gen_pmax[indx_ok]): raise InvalidRedispatching("Some redispatching amount, cumulated with the production setpoint, " "are above pmax for some generator.") if np.any(tmp_p[indx_ok] < self.gen_pmin[indx_ok]): raise InvalidRedispatching("Some redispatching amount, cumulated with the production setpoint, " "are below pmin for some generator.") # topological action if np.any(self._set_topo_vect[self._change_bus_vect] != 0): raise InvalidBusStatus("You asked to change the bus of an object with" " using the keyword \"change_bus\" and set this same object state in \"set_bus\"" ". This ambiguous behaviour is not supported") if np.any(self._set_topo_vect < -1): raise InvalidBusStatus("Invalid set_bus. Buses should be either -1 (disconnect), 0 (change nothing)," "1 (assign this object to bus one) or 2 (assign this object to bus" "2). A negative number has been found.") if np.any(self._set_topo_vect > 2): raise InvalidBusStatus("Invalid set_bus. Buses should be either -1 (disconnect), 0 (change nothing)," "1 (assign this object to bus one) or 2 (assign this object to bus" "2). A number higher than 2 has been found: substations with more than 2 busbars" "are not supported by grid2op.") for q_id, status in enumerate(self._set_line_status): if status == 1: # i reconnect a powerline, i need to check that it's connected on both ends if self._set_topo_vect[self.line_or_pos_topo_vect[q_id]] == 0 or \ self._set_topo_vect[self.line_ex_pos_topo_vect[q_id]] == 0: raise InvalidLineStatus("You ask to reconnect powerline {} yet didn't tell on" " which bus.".format(q_id)) # if i disconnected of a line, but i modify also the bus where it's connected idx = self._set_line_status == -1 id_disc = np.where(idx)[0] if np.any(self._set_topo_vect[self.line_or_pos_topo_vect[id_disc]] > 0) or \ np.any(self._set_topo_vect[self.line_ex_pos_topo_vect[id_disc]] > 0): raise InvalidLineStatus("You ask to disconnect a powerline but also to connect it " "to a certain bus.") if np.any(self._change_bus_vect[self.line_or_pos_topo_vect[id_disc]] > 0) or \ np.any(self._change_bus_vect[self.line_ex_pos_topo_vect[id_disc]] > 0): raise InvalidLineStatus("You ask to disconnect a powerline but also to change its bus.") if np.any(self._change_bus_vect[self.line_or_pos_topo_vect[self._set_line_status == 1]]): raise InvalidLineStatus("You ask to connect an origin powerline but also to *change* the bus to which it " "is connected. This is ambiguous. You must *set* this bus instead.") if np.any(self._change_bus_vect[self.line_ex_pos_topo_vect[self._set_line_status == 1]]): raise InvalidLineStatus("You ask to connect an extremity powerline but also to *change* the bus to which " "it is connected. This is ambiguous. You must *set* this bus instead.") if self.shunts_data_available: if self.shunt_p.shape[0] != self.n_shunt: raise IncorrectNumberOfElements("Incorrect number of shunt (for shunt_p) in your action.") if self.shunt_q.shape[0] != self.n_shunt: raise IncorrectNumberOfElements("Incorrect number of shunt (for shunt_q) in your action.") if self.shunt_bus.shape[0] != self.n_shunt: raise IncorrectNumberOfElements("Incorrect number of shunt (for shunt_bus) in your action.") if self.n_shunt > 0: if np.max(self.shunt_bus) > 2: raise AmbiguousAction("Some shunt is connected to a bus greater than 2") if np.min(self.shunt_bus) < -1: raise AmbiguousAction("Some shunt is connected to a bus smaller than -1") else: # shunt is not available if self.shunt_p is not None: raise AmbiguousAction("Attempt to modify a shunt (shunt_p) while shunt data is not handled by backend") if self.shunt_q is not None: raise AmbiguousAction("Attempt to modify a shunt (shunt_q) while shunt data is not handled by backend") if self.shunt_bus is not None: raise AmbiguousAction("Attempt to modify a shunt (shunt_bus) while shunt data is not handled by backend")
[docs] def sample(self, space_prng): """ This method is used to sample action. A generic sampling of action can be really tedious. Uniform sampling is almost impossible. The actual implementation gives absolutely no warranty toward any of these concerns. It is not implemented yet. TODO By calling :func:`Action.sample`, the action is :func:`Action.reset` to a "do nothing" state. Parameters ---------- space_prng Returns ------- self: :class:`BaseAction` The action sampled among the action space. """ self.reset() # TODO code the sampling now return self
def _ignore_topo_action_if_disconnection(self, sel_): # force ignore of any topological actions self._set_topo_vect[np.array(self.line_or_pos_topo_vect[sel_])] = 0 self._change_bus_vect[np.array(self.line_or_pos_topo_vect[sel_])] = False self._set_topo_vect[np.array(self.line_ex_pos_topo_vect[sel_])] = 0 self._change_bus_vect[np.array(self.line_ex_pos_topo_vect[sel_])] = False def _obj_caract_from_topo_id(self, id_): obj_id = None objt_type = None array_subid = None for l_id, id_in_topo in enumerate(self.load_pos_topo_vect): if id_in_topo == id_: obj_id = l_id objt_type = "load" array_subid = self.load_to_subid if obj_id is None: for l_id, id_in_topo in enumerate(self.gen_pos_topo_vect): if id_in_topo == id_: obj_id = l_id objt_type = "generator" array_subid = self.gen_to_subid if obj_id is None: for l_id, id_in_topo in enumerate(self.line_or_pos_topo_vect): if id_in_topo == id_: obj_id = l_id objt_type = "line (origin)" array_subid = self.line_or_to_subid if obj_id is None: for l_id, id_in_topo in enumerate(self.line_ex_pos_topo_vect): if id_in_topo == id_: obj_id = l_id objt_type = "line (extremity)" array_subid = self.line_ex_to_subid substation_id = array_subid[obj_id] return obj_id, objt_type, substation_id
[docs] def __str__(self): """ This utility allows printing in a human-readable format what objects will be impacted by the action. Returns ------- str: :class:`str` The string representation of an :class:`BaseAction` in a human-readable format. """ res = ["This action will:"] impact = self.impact_on_objects() # injections injection_impact = impact['injection'] if injection_impact['changed']: for change in injection_impact['impacted']: res.append("\t - set {} to {}".format(change['set'], change['to'])) else: res.append("\t - NOT change anything to the injections") # redispatch if np.any(self._redispatch != 0.): for gen_idx in range(self.n_gen): if self._redispatch[gen_idx] != 0.0: gen_name = self.name_gen[gen_idx] r_amount = self._redispatch[gen_idx] res.append("\t - Redispatch {} of {}".format(gen_name, r_amount)) else: res.append("\t - NOT perform any redispatching action") # force line status force_line_impact = impact['force_line'] if force_line_impact['changed']: reconnections = force_line_impact['reconnections'] if reconnections['count'] > 0: res.append("\t - force reconnection of {} powerlines ({})" .format(reconnections['count'], reconnections['powerlines'])) disconnections = force_line_impact['disconnections'] if disconnections['count'] > 0: res.append("\t - force disconnection of {} powerlines ({})" .format(disconnections['count'], disconnections['powerlines'])) else: res.append("\t - NOT force any line status") # swtich line status swith_line_impact = impact['switch_line'] if swith_line_impact['changed']: res.append("\t - switch status of {} powerlines ({})" .format(swith_line_impact['count'], swith_line_impact['powerlines'])) else: res.append("\t - NOT switch any line status") # topology bus_switch_impact = impact['topology']['bus_switch'] if len(bus_switch_impact) > 0: res.append("\t - Change the bus of the following element:") for switch in bus_switch_impact: res.append("\t \t - switch bus of {} {} [on substation {}]" .format(switch['object_type'], switch['object_id'], switch['substation'])) else: res.append("\t - NOT switch anything in the topology") assigned_bus_impact = impact['topology']['assigned_bus'] disconnect_bus_impact = impact['topology']['disconnect_bus'] if len(assigned_bus_impact) > 0 or len(disconnect_bus_impact) > 0: res.append("\t - Set the bus of the following element:") for assigned in assigned_bus_impact: res.append("\t \t - assign bus {} to {} {} [on substation {}]" .format(assigned['bus'], assigned['object_type'], assigned['object_id'], assigned['substation'])) for disconnected in disconnect_bus_impact: res.append("\t - disconnect {} {} [on substation {}]" .format(disconnected['object_type'], disconnected['object_id'], disconnected['substation'])) else: res.append("\t - NOT force any particular bus configuration") return "\n".join(res)
[docs] def impact_on_objects(self): """ This will return a dictionary which contains details on objects that will be impacted by the action. Returns ------- dict: :class:`dict` The dictionary representation of an action impact on objects """ # handles actions on injections has_impact = False inject_detail = { 'changed': False, 'count': 0, 'impacted': [] } for k in ["load_p", "prod_p", "load_q", "prod_v"]: if k in self._dict_inj: inject_detail['changed'] = True has_impact = True inject_detail['count'] += 1 inject_detail['impacted'].append({ 'set': k, 'to': self._dict_inj[k] }) # handles actions on force line status force_line_status = { 'changed': False, 'reconnections': {'count': 0, 'powerlines': []}, 'disconnections': {'count': 0, 'powerlines': []} } if np.any(self._set_line_status == 1): force_line_status['changed'] = True has_impact = True force_line_status['reconnections']['count'] = np.sum(self._set_line_status == 1) force_line_status['reconnections']['powerlines'] = np.where(self._set_line_status == 1)[0] if np.any(self._set_line_status == -1): force_line_status['changed'] = True has_impact = True force_line_status['disconnections']['count'] = np.sum(self._set_line_status == -1) force_line_status['disconnections']['powerlines'] = np.where(self._set_line_status == -1)[0] # handles action on swtich line status switch_line_status = { 'changed': False, 'count': 0, 'powerlines': [] } if np.sum(self._switch_line_status): switch_line_status['changed'] = True has_impact = True switch_line_status['count'] = np.sum(self._switch_line_status) switch_line_status['powerlines'] = np.where(self._switch_line_status)[0] topology = { 'changed': False, 'bus_switch': [], 'assigned_bus': [], 'disconnect_bus': [] } # handles topology if np.any(self._change_bus_vect): for id_, k in enumerate(self._change_bus_vect): if k: obj_id, objt_type, substation_id = self._obj_caract_from_topo_id(id_) topology['bus_switch'].append({ 'bus': k, 'object_type': objt_type, 'object_id': obj_id, 'substation': substation_id }) topology['changed'] = True has_impact = True if np.any(self._set_topo_vect != 0): for id_, k in enumerate(self._set_topo_vect): if k > 0: obj_id, objt_type, substation_id = self._obj_caract_from_topo_id(id_) topology['assigned_bus'].append({ 'bus': k, 'object_type': objt_type, 'object_id': obj_id, 'substation': substation_id }) if k < 0: obj_id, objt_type, substation_id = self._obj_caract_from_topo_id(id_) topology['disconnect_bus'].append({ 'bus': k, 'object_type': objt_type, 'object_id': obj_id, 'substation': substation_id }) topology['changed'] = True has_impact = True # handle redispatching redispatch = { "changed": False, "generators": [] } if np.any(self._redispatch != 0.0): for gen_idx in range(self.n_gen): if self._redispatch[gen_idx] != 0.0: gen_name = self.name_gen[gen_idx] r_amount = self._redispatch[gen_idx] redispatch["generators"].append({ "gen_id": gen_idx, "gen_name": gen_name, "amount": r_amount }) redispatch["changed"] = True has_impact = True return { 'has_impact': has_impact, 'injection': inject_detail, 'force_line': force_line_status, 'switch_line': switch_line_status, 'topology': topology, 'redispatch': redispatch }
[docs] def as_dict(self): """ Represent an action "as a" dictionary. This dictionary is useful to further inspect on which elements the actions had an impact. It is not recommended to use it as a way to serialize actions. The "do nothing" action should always be represented by an empty dictionary. The following keys (all optional) are present in the results: * `load_p`: if the action modifies the active loads. * `load_q`: if the action modifies the reactive loads. * `prod_p`: if the action modifies the active productions of generators. * `prod_v`: if the action modifies the voltage setpoint of generators. * `set_line_status` if the action tries to **set** the status of some powerlines. If present, this is a a dictionary with keys: * `nb_connected`: number of powerlines that are reconnected * `nb_disconnected`: number of powerlines that are disconnected * `connected_id`: the id of the powerlines reconnected * `disconnected_id`: the ids of the powerlines disconnected * `change_line_status`: if the action tries to **change** the status of some powerlines. If present, this is a dictionary with keys: * `nb_changed`: number of powerlines having their status changed * `changed_id`: the ids of the powerlines that are changed * `change_bus_vect`: if the action tries to **change** the topology of some substations. If present, this is a dictionary with keys: * `nb_modif_subs`: number of substations impacted by the action * `modif_subs_id`: ids of the substations impacted by the action * `change_bus_vect`: details the objects that are modified. It is itself a dictionary that represents for each impacted substations (keys) the modification of the objects connected to it. * `set_bus_vect`: if the action tries to **set** the topology of some substations. If present, this is a dictionary with keys: * `nb_modif_subs`: number of substations impacted by the action * `modif_subs_id`: the ids of the substations impacted by the action * `set_bus_vect`: details the objects that are modified. It is also a dictionary that represents for each impacted substations (keys) how the elements connected to it are impacted (their "new" bus) * `hazards` if the action is composed of some hazards. In this case, it's simply the index of the powerlines that are disconnected because of them. * `nb_hazards` the number of hazards the "action" implemented (eg number of powerlines disconnected because of hazards. * `maintenance` if the action is composed of some maintenance. In this case, it's simply the index of the powerlines that are affected by maintenance operation at this time step. that are disconnected because of them. * `nb_maintenance` the number of maintenance the "action" implemented eg the number of powerlines disconnected because of maintenance operations. * `redispatch` the redispatching action (if any). It gives, for each generator (all generator, not just the dispatchable one) the amount of power redispatched in this action. Returns ------- res: ``dict`` The action represented as a dictionary. See above for a description of it. """ res = {} # saving the injections for k in ["load_p", "prod_p", "load_q", "prod_v"]: if k in self._dict_inj: res[k] = self._dict_inj[k] # handles actions on force line status if np.any(self._set_line_status != 0): res["set_line_status"] = {} res["set_line_status"]["nb_connected"] = np.sum(self._set_line_status == 1) res["set_line_status"]["nb_disconnected"] = np.sum(self._set_line_status == -1) res["set_line_status"]["connected_id"] = np.where(self._set_line_status == 1)[0] res["set_line_status"]["disconnected_id"] = np.where(self._set_line_status == -1)[0] # handles action on swtich line status if np.sum(self._switch_line_status): res["change_line_status"] = {} res["change_line_status"]["nb_changed"] = np.sum(self._switch_line_status) res["change_line_status"]["changed_id"] = np.where(self._switch_line_status)[0] # handles topology change if np.any(self._change_bus_vect): res["change_bus_vect"] = {} res["change_bus_vect"]["nb_modif_objects"] = np.sum(self._change_bus_vect) all_subs = set() for id_, k in enumerate(self._change_bus_vect): if k: obj_id, objt_type, substation_id = self._obj_caract_from_topo_id(id_) sub_id = "{}".format(substation_id) if not sub_id in res["change_bus_vect"]: res["change_bus_vect"][sub_id] = {} res["change_bus_vect"][sub_id]["{}".format(obj_id)] = {"type": objt_type} all_subs.add(sub_id) res["change_bus_vect"]["nb_modif_subs"] = len(all_subs) res["change_bus_vect"]["modif_subs_id"] = sorted(all_subs) # handles topology set if np.any(self._set_topo_vect): res["set_bus_vect"] = {} res["set_bus_vect"]["nb_modif_objects"] = np.sum(self._set_topo_vect) all_subs = set() for id_, k in enumerate(self._set_topo_vect): if k != 0: obj_id, objt_type, substation_id = self._obj_caract_from_topo_id(id_) sub_id = "{}".format(substation_id) if not sub_id in res["set_bus_vect"]: res["set_bus_vect"][sub_id] = {} res["set_bus_vect"][sub_id]["{}".format(obj_id)] = {"type": objt_type, "new_bus": k} all_subs.add(sub_id) res["set_bus_vect"]["nb_modif_subs"] = len(all_subs) res["set_bus_vect"]["modif_subs_id"] = sorted(all_subs) if np.any(self._hazards): res["hazards"] = np.where(self._hazards)[0] res["nb_hazards"] = np.sum(self._hazards) if np.any(self._maintenance): res["maintenance"] = np.where(self._maintenance)[0] res["nb_maintenance"] = np.sum(self._maintenance) if np.any(self._redispatch != 0.): res["redispatch"] = self._redispatch return res
[docs] def effect_on(self, _sentinel=None, load_id=None, gen_id=None, line_id=None, substation_id=None): """ Return the effect of this action on a unique given load, generator unit, powerline or substation. Only one of load, gen, line or substation should be filled. The query of these objects can only be done by id here (ie by giving the integer of the object in the backed). The :class:`ActionSpace` has some utilities to access them by name too. Parameters ---------- _sentinel: ``None`` Used to prevent positional parameters. Internal, **do not use**. load_id: ``int`` The ID of the load we want to inspect gen_id: ``int`` The ID of the generator we want to inspect line_id: ``int`` The ID of the powerline we want to inspect substation_id: ``int`` The ID of the substation we want to inspect Returns ------- res: :class:`dict` A dictionary with keys and value depending on which object needs to be inspected: - if a load is inspected, then the keys are: - "new_p" the new load active value (or NaN if it doesn't change), - "new_q" the new load reactive value (or Nan if nothing has changed from this point of view) - "set_bus" the new bus where the load will be moved (int: id of the bus, 0 no change, -1 disconnected) - "change_bus" whether or not this load will be moved from one bus to another (for example is an action asked it to go from bus 1 to bus 2) - if a generator is inspected, then the keys are: - "new_p" the new generator active setpoint value (or NaN if it doesn't change), - "new_v" the new generator voltage setpoint value (or Nan if nothing has changed from this point of view) - "set_bus" the new bus where the load will be moved (int: id of the bus, 0 no change, -1 disconnected) - "change_bus" whether or not this load will be moved from one bus to another (for example is an action asked it to go from bus 1 to bus 2) - "redispatch" the amount of power redispatched for this generator. - if a powerline is inspected then the keys are: - "change_bus_or": whether or not the origin end will be moved from one bus to another - "change_bus_ex": whether or not the extremity end will be moved from one bus to another - "set_bus_or": the new bus where the origin will be moved - "set_bus_ex": the new bus where the extremity will be moved - "set_line_status": the new status of the power line - "change_line_status": whether or not to switch the status of the powerline - if a substation is inspected, it returns the topology to this substation in a dictionary with keys: - "change_bus" - "set_bus" NB the difference between "set_bus" and "change_bus" is the following: - If "set_bus" is 1, then the object (load, generator or powerline) will be moved to bus 1 of the substation to which it is connected. If it is already to bus 1 nothing will be done. If it's on another bus it will connect it to bus 1. It's disconnected, it will reconnect it and connect it to bus 1. - If "change_bus" is True, then the object will be moved from one bus to another. If the object were on bus 1 then it will be moved on bus 2, and if it were on bus 2, it will be moved on bus 1. If the object were disconnected, then it will be connected to the affected bus. Raises ------ :class:`grid2op.Exception.Grid2OpException` If _sentinel is modified, or if none of the arguments are set or alternatively if 2 or more of the parameters are being set. """ if _sentinel is not None: raise Grid2OpException("action.effect_on should only be called with named argument.") if load_id is None and gen_id is None and line_id is None and substation_id is None: raise Grid2OpException("You ask the effect of an action on something, wihtout provided anything") if load_id is not None: if gen_id is not None or line_id is not None or substation_id is not None: raise Grid2OpException("You can only the inpsect the effect of an action on one single element") res = {"new_p": np.NaN, "new_q": np.NaN, "change_bus": False, "set_bus": 0} if "load_p" in self._dict_inj: res["new_p"] = self._dict_inj["load_p"][load_id] if "load_q" in self._dict_inj: res["new_q"] = self._dict_inj["load_q"][load_id] my_id = self.load_pos_topo_vect[load_id] res["change_bus"] = self._change_bus_vect[my_id] res["set_bus"] = self._set_topo_vect[my_id] elif gen_id is not None: if line_id is not None or substation_id is not None: raise Grid2OpException("You can only the inpsect the effect of an action on one single element") res = {"new_p": np.NaN, "new_v": np.NaN, "set_bus": 0., "change_bus": False} if "prod_p" in self._dict_inj: res["new_p"] = self._dict_inj["prod_p"][gen_id] if "prod_v" in self._dict_inj: res["new_v"] = self._dict_inj["prod_v"][gen_id] my_id = self.gen_pos_topo_vect[gen_id] res["change_bus"] = self._change_bus_vect[my_id] res["set_bus"] = self._set_topo_vect[my_id] res["redispatch"] = self._redispatch[gen_id] elif line_id is not None: if substation_id is not None: raise Grid2OpException("You can only the inpsect the effect of an action on one single element") res = {} # origin topology my_id = self.line_or_pos_topo_vect[line_id] res["change_bus_or"] = self._change_bus_vect[my_id] res["set_bus_or"] = self._set_topo_vect[my_id] # extremity topology my_id = self.line_ex_pos_topo_vect[line_id] res["change_bus_ex"] = self._change_bus_vect[my_id] res["set_bus_ex"] = self._set_topo_vect[my_id] # status res["set_line_status"] = self._set_line_status[line_id] res["change_line_status"] = self._switch_line_status[line_id] else: res = {} beg_ = int(np.sum(self.sub_info[:substation_id])) end_ = int(beg_ + self.sub_info[substation_id]) res["change_bus"] = self._change_bus_vect[beg_:end_] res["set_bus"] = self._set_topo_vect[beg_:end_] return res