Source code for grid2op.Action.SerializableActionSpace

import numpy as np
import warnings
import itertools

import pdb

from grid2op.Exceptions import *
from grid2op.Space import SerializableSpace
from grid2op.Action.BaseAction import BaseAction

[docs]class SerializableActionSpace(SerializableSpace): """ This class allows serializing/ deserializing the action space. It should not be used inside an :attr:`grid2op.Environment.Environment` , as some functions of the action might not be compatible with the serialization, especially the checking of whether or not an action is legal or not. Attributes ---------- actionClass: ``type`` Type used to build the :attr:`SerializableActionSpace.template_act` _template_act: :class:`BaseAction` An instance of the "*actionClass*" provided used to provide higher level utilities, such as the size of the action (see :func:`Action.size`) or to sample a new Action (see :func:`grid2op.Action.Action.sample`) """
[docs] def __init__(self, gridobj, actionClass=BaseAction): """ Parameters ---------- gridobj: :class:`grid2op.Space.GridObjects` Representation of the underlying powergrid. actionClass: ``type`` Type of action used to build :attr:`Space.SerializableSpace._template_obj`. It should derived from :class:`BaseAction`. """ SerializableSpace.__init__(self, gridobj=gridobj, subtype=actionClass) self.actionClass = self.subtype self._template_act = self._template_obj
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(dict_): """ Allows the de-serialization of an object stored as a dictionary (for example in the case of JSON saving). Parameters ---------- dict_: ``dict`` Representation of an BaseAction Space (aka SerializableActionSpace) as a dictionary. Returns ------- res: :class:``SerializableActionSpace`` An instance of an action space matching the dictionary. """ tmp = SerializableSpace.from_dict(dict_) res = SerializableActionSpace(gridobj=tmp, actionClass=tmp.subtype) return res
[docs] def sample(self): """ A utility used to sample :class:`Action`. This method is under development, use with care (actions are not sampled on the full action space, and are not uniform in general). Returns ------- res: :class:`BaseAction` A random action sampled from the :attr:`ActionSpace.actionClass` """ res = self.actionClass(gridobj=self) # only the GridObjects part of "self" is actually used res.sample() return res
[docs] def disconnect_powerline(self, line_id, previous_action=None): """ Utilities to disconnect a powerline more easily. Parameters ---------- line_id: ``int`` The powerline to be disconnected. previous_action Returns ------- """ if previous_action is None: res = self.actionClass(gridobj=self) else: if not isinstance(previous_action, self.actionClass): raise AmbiguousAction("The action to update using `ActionSpace` is of type \"{}\" " "which is not the type of action handled by this helper " "(\"{}\")".format(type(previous_action), self.actionClass)) res = previous_action if line_id > self.n_line: raise AmbiguousAction("You asked to disconnect powerline of id {} but this id does not exist. The " "grid counts only {} powerline".format(line_id, self.n_line)) res.update({"set_line_status": [(line_id, -1)]}) return res
[docs] def reconnect_powerline(self, line_id, bus_or, bus_ex, previous_action=None): """ Utilities to reconnect a powerline more easily. Note that in case "bus_or" or "bus_ex" are not the current bus to which the powerline is connected, they will be affected by this action. Parameters ---------- line_id: ``int`` The powerline to be disconnected. bus_or: ``int`` On which bus to reconnect the powerline at its origin end bus_ex: ``int`` On which bus to reconnect the powerline at its extremity end previous_action Returns ------- """ if previous_action is None: res = self.actionClass(gridobj=self) else: if not isinstance(previous_action, self.actionClass): raise AmbiguousAction("The action to update using `ActionSpace` is of type \"{}\" " "which is not the type of action handled by this helper " "(\"{}\")".format(type(previous_action), self.actionClass)) res = previous_action if line_id > self.n_line: raise AmbiguousAction("You asked to disconnect powerline of id {} but this id does not exist. The " "grid counts only {} powerline".format(line_id, self.n_line)) res.update({"set_line_status": [(line_id, 1)], "set_bus": {"lines_or_id": [(line_id, bus_or)], "lines_ex_id": [(line_id, bus_ex)]}}) return res
[docs] def change_bus(self, name_element, extremity=None, substation=None, type_element=None, previous_action=None): """ Utilities to change the bus of a single element if you give its name. **NB** Changing a bus has the effect to assign the object to bus 1 if it was before that connected to bus 2, and to assign it to bus 2 if it was connected to bus 1. It should not be mixed up with :func:`ActionSpace.set_bus`. If the parameter "*previous_action*" is not ``None``, then the action given to it is updated (in place) and returned. Parameters ---------- name_element: ``str`` The name of the element you want to change the bus extremity: ``str`` "or" or "ex" for origin or extremity, ignored if an element is not a powerline. substation: ``int``, optional Its substation ID, if you know it will increase the performance. Otherwise, the method will search for it. type_element: ``int``, optional Type of the element to look for. It is here to speed up the computation. One of "line", "gen" or "load" previous_action: :class:`Action`, optional The (optional) action to update. It should be of the same type as :attr:`ActionSpace.actionClass` Returns ------- res: :class:`BaseAction` The action with the modification implemented Raises ------ :class:`grid2op.Exception.AmbiguousAction` If *previous_action* has not the same type as :attr:`ActionSpace.actionClass`. """ if previous_action is None: res = self.actionClass(gridobj=self) else: if not isinstance(previous_action, self.actionClass): raise AmbiguousAction("The action to update using `ActionSpace` is of type \"{}\" " "which is not the type of action handled by this helper " "(\"{}\")".format(type(previous_action), self.actionClass)) res = previous_action dict_, to_sub_pos, my_id, my_sub_id = self._extract_dict_action(name_element, extremity, substation, type_element, res) dict_["change_bus"][to_sub_pos[my_id]] = True res.update({"change_bus": {"substations_id": [(my_sub_id, dict_["change_bus"])]}}) # res.update(dict_) return res
def _extract_database_powerline(self, extremity): if extremity[:2] == "or": to_subid = self.line_or_to_subid to_sub_pos = self.line_or_to_sub_pos to_name = self.name_line elif extremity[:2] == "ex": to_subid = self.line_ex_to_subid to_sub_pos = self.line_ex_to_sub_pos to_name = self.name_line elif extremity is None: raise Grid2OpException("It is mandatory to know on which ends you want to change the bus of the powerline") else: raise Grid2OpException("unknown extremity specifier \"{}\". Extremity should be \"or\" or \"ex\"" "".format(extremity)) return to_subid, to_sub_pos, to_name def _extract_dict_action(self, name_element, extremity=None, substation=None, type_element=None, action=None): to_subid = None to_sub_pos = None to_name = None if type_element == "line": to_subid, to_sub_pos, to_name = self._extract_database_powerline(extremity) elif type_element[:3] == "gen" or type_element[:4] == "prod": to_subid = self.gen_to_subid to_sub_pos = self.gen_to_sub_pos to_name = self.name_gen elif type_element == "load": to_subid = self.load_to_subid to_sub_pos = self.load_to_sub_pos to_name = self.name_load elif type_element is None: # i have to look through all the objects to find it if name_element in self.name_load: to_subid = self.load_to_subid to_sub_pos = self.load_to_sub_pos to_name = self.name_load elif name_element in self.name_gen: to_subid = self.gen_to_subid to_sub_pos = self.gen_to_sub_pos to_name = self.name_gen elif name_element in self.name_line: to_subid, to_sub_pos, to_name = self._extract_database_powerline(extremity) else: AmbiguousAction( "Element \"{}\" not found in the powergrid".format( name_element)) else: raise AmbiguousAction("unknown type_element specifier \"{}\". type_element should be \"line\" or \"load\" " "or \"gen\"".format(extremity)) my_id = None for i, nm in enumerate(to_name): if nm == name_element: my_id = i break if my_id is None: raise AmbiguousAction("Element \"{}\" not found in the powergrid".format(name_element)) my_sub_id = to_subid[my_id] dict_ = action.effect_on(substation_id=my_sub_id) return dict_, to_sub_pos, my_id, my_sub_id
[docs] def set_bus(self, name_element, new_bus, extremity=None, substation=None, type_element=None, previous_action=None): """ Utilities to set the bus of a single element if you give its name. **NB** Setting a bus has the effect to assign the object to this bus. If it was before that connected to bus 1, and you assign it to bus 1 (*new_bus* = 1) it will stay on bus 1. If it was on bus 2 (and you still assign it to bus 1) it will be moved to bus 2. 1. It should not be mixed up with :func:`ActionSpace.change_bus`. If the parameter "*previous_action*" is not ``None``, then the action given to it is updated (in place) and returned. Parameters ---------- name_element: ``str`` The name of the element you want to change the bus new_bus: ``int`` Id of the new bus to connect the object to. extremity: ``str`` "or" or "ext" for origin or extremity, ignored if the element is not a powerline. substation: ``int``, optional Its substation ID, if you know it will increase the performance. Otherwise, the method will search for it. type_element: ``str``, optional Type of the element to look for. It is here to speed up the computation. One of "line", "gen" or "load" previous_action: :class:`Action`, optional The (optional) action to update. It should be of the same type as :attr:`ActionSpace.actionClass` Returns ------- res: :class:`BaseAction` The action with the modification implemented Raises ------ AmbiguousAction If *previous_action* has not the same type as :attr:`ActionSpace.actionClass`. """ if previous_action is None: res = self.actionClass(gridobj=self) else: res = previous_action dict_, to_sub_pos, my_id, my_sub_id = self._extract_dict_action(name_element, extremity, substation, type_element, res) dict_["set_bus"][to_sub_pos[my_id]] = new_bus res.update({"set_bus": {"substations_id": [(my_sub_id, dict_["set_bus"])]}}) return res
[docs] def get_set_line_status_vect(self): """ Computes and returns a vector that can be used in the "set_status" keyword if building an :class:`BaseAction` Returns ------- res: :class:`numpy.array`, A vector that doesn't affect the grid, but can be used in "set_line_status" """ return self._template_act.get_set_line_status_vect()
[docs] def get_change_line_status_vect(self): """ Computes and return a vector that can be used in the "change_line_status" keyword if building an :class:`BaseAction` Returns ------- res: :class:`numpy.array`, dtype:np.bool A vector that doesn't affect the grid, but can be used in "change_line_status" """ return self._template_act.get_change_line_status_vect()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_all_unitary_topologies_change(action_space): """ This methods allows to compute and return all the unitary topological changes that can be performed on a powergrid. The changes will be performed using the "change_bus" method. The "do nothing" action will be counted only once. Parameters ---------- action_space: :class:`grid2op.BaseAction.ActionHelper` The action space used. Returns ------- res: ``list`` The list of all the topological actions that can be performed. """ res = [] S = [0, 1] for sub_id, num_el in enumerate(action_space.sub_info): if num_el < 4: pass for tup in itertools.product(S, repeat=num_el - 1): indx = np.full(shape=num_el, fill_value=False, dtype=np.bool) tup = np.array((0, *tup)).astype(np.bool) # add a zero to first element -> break symmetry indx[tup] = True if np.sum(indx) >= 2 and np.sum(~indx) >= 2: # i need 2 elements on each bus at least action = action_space({"change_bus": {"substations_id": [(sub_id, indx)]}}) res.append(action) return res
[docs] @staticmethod def get_all_unitary_topologies_set(action_space): """ This methods allows to compute and return all the unitary topological changes that can be performed on a powergrid. The changes will be performed using the "set_bus" method. The "do nothing" action will be counted once per substation in the grid. Parameters ---------- action_space: :class:`grid2op.BaseAction.ActionHelper` The action space used. Returns ------- res: ``list`` The list of all the topological actions that can be performed. """ res = [] S = [0, 1] for sub_id, num_el in enumerate(action_space.sub_info): tmp = [] new_topo = np.full(shape=num_el, fill_value=1, # perform the action "set everything on bus 1" action = action_space({"set_bus": {"substations_id": [(sub_id, new_topo)]}}) tmp.append(action) powerlines_or_id = action_space.line_or_to_sub_pos[action_space.line_or_to_subid == sub_id] powerlines_ex_id = action_space.line_ex_to_sub_pos[action_space.line_ex_to_subid == sub_id] powerlines_id = np.concatenate((powerlines_or_id, powerlines_ex_id)) # computes all the topologies at 2 buses for this substation for tup in itertools.product(S, repeat=num_el - 1): indx = np.full(shape=num_el, fill_value=False, dtype=np.bool) tup = np.array((0, *tup)).astype(np.bool) # add a zero to first element -> break symmetry indx[tup] = True if np.sum(indx) >= 2 and np.sum(~indx) >= 2: # i need 2 elements on each bus at least new_topo = np.full(shape=num_el, fill_value=1, new_topo[~indx] = 2 if np.sum(indx[powerlines_id]) == 0 or np.sum(~indx[powerlines_id]) == 0: # if there is a "node" without a powerline, the topology is not valid continue action = action_space({"set_bus": {"substations_id": [(sub_id, new_topo)]}}) tmp.append(action) if len(tmp) >= 2: # if i have only one single topology on this substation, it doesn't make any action # i cannot change the topology is there is only one. res += tmp return res
@staticmethod def get_all_unitary_redispatch(action_space): res = [] n_gen = len(action_space.gen_redispatchable) for gen_idx in range(n_gen): # Skip non-dispatchable generators if not action_space.gen_redispatchable[gen_idx]: continue # Create evenly spaced positive interval ramps_up = np.linspace(0.0, action_space.gen_max_ramp_up[gen_idx], num=5) ramps_up = ramps_up[1:] # Exclude redispatch of 0MW # Create evenly spaced negative interval ramps_down = np.linspace(-action_space.gen_max_ramp_down[gen_idx], 0.0, num=5) ramps_down = ramps_down[:-1] # Exclude redispatch of 0MW # Merge intervals ramps = np.append(ramps_up, ramps_down) # Create ramp up actions for ramp in ramps: action = action_space({"redispatch": [(gen_idx, ramp)]}) res.append(action) return res