Source code for grid2op.Agent.OneChangeThenNothing

from abc import abstractmethod
import pdb

from grid2op.Agent.BaseAgent import BaseAgent

[docs]class OneChangeThenNothing(BaseAgent): """ This is a specific kind of BaseAgent. It does an BaseAction (possibly non empty) at the first time step and then does nothing. This class is an abstract class and cannot be instanciated (ie no object of this class can be created). It must be overridden and the method :func:`OneChangeThenNothing._get_dict_act` be defined. Basically, it must know what action to do. """ def __init__(self, action_space, action_space_converter=None): BaseAgent.__init__(self, action_space) self.has_changed = False
[docs] def act(self, observation, reward, done=False): if self.has_changed: res = self.action_space({}) self.has_changed = True else: res = self.action_space(self._get_dict_act()) return res
[docs] @abstractmethod def _get_dict_act(self): """ Function that need to be overridden to indicate which action to perfom. Returns ------- res: ``dict`` A dictionnary that can be converted into a valid :class:`grid2op.BaseAction.BaseAction`. See the help of :func:`grid2op.BaseAction.ActionSpace.__call__` for more information. """ pass