Source code for grid2op.Agent.TopologyGreedy

import pdb

from grid2op.Agent.GreedyAgent import GreedyAgent

[docs]class TopologyGreedy(GreedyAgent): """ This is a :class:`GreedyAgent` example, which will attempt to reconfigure the substations connectivity. It will choose among: - doing nothing - changing the topology of one substation. """ def __init__(self, action_space, action_space_converter=None): GreedyAgent.__init__(self, action_space, action_space_converter=action_space_converter) self.li_actions = None
[docs] def _get_tested_action(self, observation): if self.li_actions is None: res = [self.action_space({})] # add the do nothing res += self.action_space.get_all_unitary_topologies_change(self.action_space) self.li_actions = res return self.li_actions