Source code for grid2op.Chronics.GridStateFromFileWithForecasts

import os
import copy
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pdb
from datetime import timedelta

from grid2op.Exceptions import EnvError, IncorrectNumberOfLoads, IncorrectNumberOfLines, IncorrectNumberOfGenerators
from grid2op.Exceptions import ChronicsError
from grid2op.Chronics.GridStateFromFile import GridStateFromFile

[docs]class GridStateFromFileWithForecasts(GridStateFromFile): """ An extension of :class:`GridStateFromFile` that implements the "forecast" functionality. Forecast are also read from a file. For this class, only 1 forecast per timestep is read. The "forecast" present in the file at row $i$ is the one available at the corresponding time step, so valid for the grid state at the next time step. To have more advanced forecasts, this class could be overridden. Attributes ---------- load_p_forecast: ``numpy.ndarray``, dtype: ``float`` Array used to store the forecasts of the load active values. load_q_forecast: ``numpy.ndarray``, dtype: ``float`` Array used to store the forecasts of the load reactive values. prod_p_forecast: ``numpy.ndarray``, dtype: ``float`` Array used to store the forecasts of the generator active production setpoint. prod_v_forecast: ``numpy.ndarray``, dtype: ``float`` Array used to store the forecasts of the generator voltage magnitude setpoint. maintenance_forecast: ``numpy.ndarray``, dtype: ``float`` Array used to store the forecasts of the _maintenance operations. """ def __init__(self, path, sep=";", time_interval=timedelta(minutes=5), max_iter=-1, chunk_size=None): GridStateFromFile.__init__(self, path, sep=sep, time_interval=time_interval, max_iter=max_iter, chunk_size=chunk_size) self.load_p_forecast = None self.load_q_forecast = None self.prod_p_forecast = None self.prod_v_forecast = None self.maintenance_forecast = None # for when you read data in chunk self._order_load_p_forecasted = None self._order_load_q_forecasted = None self._order_prod_p_forecasted = None self._order_prod_v_forecasted = None self._order_maintenance_forecasted = None self._data_already_in_mem = False # says if the "main" value from the base class had to be reloaded (used for chunk) def _get_next_chunk_forecasted(self): # TODO merge this class with GridStateFromFile load_p = None load_q = None prod_p = None prod_v = None if self._data_chunk["load_p_forecasted"] is not None: load_p = next(self._data_chunk["load_p_forecasted"]) if self._data_chunk["load_q_forecasted"] is not None: load_q = next(self._data_chunk["load_q_forecasted"]) if self._data_chunk["prod_p_forecasted"] is not None: prod_p = next(self._data_chunk["prod_p_forecasted"]) if self._data_chunk["prod_v_forecasted"] is not None: prod_v = next(self._data_chunk["prod_v_forecasted"]) return load_p, load_q, prod_p, prod_v def _data_in_memory(self): res = super()._data_in_memory() self._data_already_in_mem = res return res
[docs] def initialize(self, order_backend_loads, order_backend_prods, order_backend_lines, order_backend_subs, names_chronics_to_backend=None): """ The same condition as :class:`GridStateFromFile.initialize` applies also for :attr:`GridStateFromFileWithForecasts.load_p_forecast`, :attr:`GridStateFromFileWithForecasts.load_q_forecast`, :attr:`GridStateFromFileWithForecasts.prod_p_forecast`, :attr:`GridStateFromFileWithForecasts.prod_v_forecast` and :attr:`GridStateFromFileWithForecasts.maintenance_forecast`. Parameters ---------- See help of :func:`GridValue.initialize` for a detailed help about the _parameters. Returns ------- ``None`` """ super().initialize(order_backend_loads, order_backend_prods, order_backend_lines, order_backend_subs, names_chronics_to_backend) load_p_iter = self._get_data("load_p_forecasted") load_q_iter = self._get_data("load_q_forecasted") prod_p_iter = self._get_data("prod_p_forecasted") prod_v_iter = self._get_data("prod_v_forecasted") hazards = None # no hazards in forecast read_compressed = self._get_fileext("maintenance_forecasted") if read_compressed is not None: maintenance = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.path, "maintenance_forecasted{}".format(read_compressed)), sep=self.sep) else: maintenance = None if self.chunk_size is None: load_p = load_p_iter load_q = load_q_iter prod_p = prod_p_iter prod_v = prod_v_iter else: self._data_chunk["load_p_forecasted"] = load_p_iter self._data_chunk["load_q_forecasted"] = load_q_iter self._data_chunk["prod_p_forecasted"] = prod_p_iter self._data_chunk["prod_v_forecasted"] = prod_v_iter load_p, load_q, prod_p, prod_v = self._get_next_chunk_forecasted() order_backend_loads = {el: i for i, el in enumerate(order_backend_loads)} order_backend_prods = {el: i for i, el in enumerate(order_backend_prods)} order_backend_lines = {el: i for i, el in enumerate(order_backend_lines)} order_chronics_load_p, order_backend_load_q, \ order_backend_prod_p, order_backend_prod_v, \ order_backend_hazards, order_backend_maintenance \ = self._get_orders(load_p, load_q, prod_p, prod_v, hazards, maintenance, order_backend_loads, order_backend_prods, order_backend_lines) self._order_load_p_forecasted = np.argsort(order_chronics_load_p) self._order_load_q_forecasted = np.argsort(order_backend_load_q) self._order_prod_p_forecasted = np.argsort(order_backend_prod_p) self._order_prod_v_forecasted = np.argsort(order_backend_prod_v) self._order_maintenance_forecasted = np.argsort(order_backend_maintenance) self._init_attrs_forecast(load_p, load_q, prod_p, prod_v, maintenance=maintenance)
def _init_attrs_forecast(self, load_p, load_q, prod_p, prod_v, maintenance=None): # TODO refactor that with _init_attrs from super() self.maintenance_forecast = None self.load_p_forecast = None self.load_q_forecast = None self.prod_p_forecast = None self.prod_v_forecast = None if load_p is not None: self.load_p_forecast = copy.deepcopy(load_p.values[:, self._order_load_p_forecasted]) if load_q is not None: self.load_q_forecast = copy.deepcopy(load_q.values[:, self._order_load_q_forecasted]) if prod_p is not None: self.prod_p_forecast = copy.deepcopy(prod_p.values[:, self._order_prod_p_forecasted]) if prod_v is not None: self.prod_v_forecast = copy.deepcopy(prod_v.values[:, self._order_prod_v_forecasted]) if maintenance is not None: if maintenance is not None: self.maintenance_forecast = copy.deepcopy(maintenance.values[:, np.argsort(self._order_maintenance)]) # there are _maintenance and hazards only if the value in the file is not 0. self.maintenance_forecast = self.maintenance != 0.
[docs] def check_validity(self, backend): super(GridStateFromFileWithForecasts, self).check_validity(backend) at_least_one = False if self.load_p_forecast is not None: if self.load_p_forecast.shape[1] != backend.n_load: raise IncorrectNumberOfLoads("for the active part. It should be {} but is in fact {}" "".format(backend.n_load, len(self.load_p))) at_least_one = True if self.load_q_forecast is not None: if self.load_q_forecast.shape[1] != backend.n_load: raise IncorrectNumberOfLoads("for the reactive part. It should be {} but is in fact {}" "".format(backend.n_load, len(self.load_q))) at_least_one = True if self.prod_p_forecast is not None: if self.prod_p_forecast.shape[1] != backend.n_gen: raise IncorrectNumberOfGenerators("for the active part. It should be {} but is in fact {}" "".format(backend.n_gen, len(self.prod_p))) at_least_one = True if self.prod_v_forecast is not None: if self.prod_v_forecast.shape[1] != backend.n_gen: raise IncorrectNumberOfGenerators("for the voltage part. It should be {} but is in fact {}" "".format(backend.n_gen, len(self.prod_v))) at_least_one = True if self.maintenance_forecast is not None: if self.maintenance_forecast.shape[1] != backend.n_line: raise IncorrectNumberOfLines("for the _maintenance. It should be {} but is in fact {}" "".format(backend.n_line, len(self.maintenance))) at_least_one = True if not at_least_one: raise ChronicsError("You used a class that read forecasted data, yet there is no forecasted data in" "\"{}\". Please fall back to using class \"GridStateFromFile\" instead of " "\"{}\"".format(self.path, type(self))) for name_arr, arr in zip(["load_q", "load_p", "prod_v", "prod_p", "maintenance"], [self.load_q_forecast, self.load_p_forecast, self.prod_v_forecast, self.prod_p_forecast, self.maintenance_forecast]): if arr is not None: if self.chunk_size is None: if arr.shape[0] < self.n_: raise EnvError("Array for forecast {}_forecasted as not the same number of rows of load_p. " "The chronics cannot be loaded properly.".format(name_arr))
def _load_next_chunk_in_memory_forecast(self): # i load the next chunk as dataframes load_p, load_q, prod_p, prod_v = self._get_next_chunk_forecasted() # i put these dataframes in the right order (columns) self._init_attrs_forecast(load_p, load_q, prod_p, prod_v) # resetting the index has been done in _load_next_chunk_in_memory, or at least it should have
[docs] def forecasts(self): """ This is the major difference between :class:`GridStateFromFileWithForecasts` and :class:`GridStateFromFile`. It returns non empty forecasts. As explained in the :func:`GridValue.forecasts`, forecasts are made of list of tuple. Each tuple having exactly 2 elements: 1. Is the time stamp of the forecast 2. An :class:`grid2op.BaseAction` representing the modification of the powergrid after the forecast. For this class, only the forecast of the next time step is given, and only for the injections and maintenance. Returns ------- See :func:`GridValue.forecasts` for more information. """ if not self._data_already_in_mem: try: self._load_next_chunk_in_memory_forecast() except StopIteration as e: raise e res = {} dict_ = {} if self.load_p_forecast is not None: dict_["load_p"] = 1.0 * self.load_p_forecast[self.current_index, :] if self.load_q_forecast is not None: dict_["load_q"] = 1.0 * self.load_q_forecast[self.current_index, :] if self.prod_p_forecast is not None: dict_["prod_p"] = 1.0 * self.prod_p_forecast[self.current_index, :] if self.prod_v_forecast is not None: dict_["prod_v"] = 1.0 * self.prod_v_forecast[self.current_index, :] if dict_: res["injection"] = dict_ if self.maintenance_forecast is not None: res["maintenance"] = self.maintenance_forecast[self.current_index, :] forecast_datetime = self.current_datetime + self.time_interval return [(forecast_datetime, res)]
[docs] def get_id(self) -> str: return self.path