Source code for grid2op.Observation.BaseObservation

In a "reinforcement learning" framework, an :class:`grid2op.BaseAgent` receive two information before taking any action on
the :class:`grid2op.Environment`. One of them is the :class:`grid2op.BaseReward` that tells it how well the past action
performed. The second main input received from the environment is the :class:`BaseObservation`. This is gives the BaseAgent
partial, noisy, or complete information about the current state of the environment. This module implement a generic
:class:`BaseObservation`  class and an example of a complete observation in the case of the Learning
To Run a Power Network (`l2RPN <>`_ ) competition.

Compared to other Reinforcement Learning problems the L2PRN competition allows another flexibility. Today, when
operating a powergrid, operators have "forecasts" at their disposal. We wanted to make them available in the
L2PRN competition too. In the  first edition of the L2PRN competition, was offered the
functionality to simulate the effect of an action on a forecasted powergrid.
This forecasted powergrid used:

  - the topology of the powergrid of the last know time step
  - all the injections of given in files.

This functionality was originally attached to the Environment and could only be used to simulate the effect of an action
on this unique time step. We wanted in this recoding to change that:

  - in an RL setting, an :class:`grid2op.BaseAgent` should not be able to look directly at the :class:`grid2op.Environment`.
    The only information about the Environment the BaseAgent should have is through the :class:`grid2op.BaseObservation` and
    the :class:`grid2op.BaseReward`. Having this principle implemented will help enforcing this principle.
  - In some wider context, it is relevant to have these forecasts available in multiple way, or modified by the
    :class:`grid2op.BaseAgent` itself (for example having forecast available for the next 2 or 3 hours, with the BaseAgent able
    not only to change the topology of the powergrid with actions, but also the injections if he's able to provide
    more accurate predictions for example.

The :class:`BaseObservation` class implement the two above principles and is more flexible to other kind of forecasts,
or other methods to build a power grid based on the forecasts of injections.

import copy
import numpy as np
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import pdb

from grid2op.Exceptions import *
from grid2op.Space import GridObjects

# TODO be able to change reward here

# TODO make an action with the difference between the observation that would be an action.
# TODO have a method that could do "forecast" by giving the _injection by the agent, if he wants to make custom forecasts

# TODO finish documentation

# TODO fix "bug" when action not initalized, return nan in to_vect

[docs]class BaseObservation(GridObjects): """ Basic class representing an observation. All observation must derive from this class and implement all its abstract methods. Attributes ---------- action_helper: :class:`grid2op.Action.ActionSpace` A reprensentation of the possible action space. year: ``int`` The current year month: ``int`` The current month (0 = january, 11 = december) day: ``int`` The current day of the month hour_of_day: ``int`` The current hour of the day minute_of_hour: ``int`` The current minute of the current hour day_of_week: ``int`` The current day of the week. Monday = 0, Sunday = 6 prod_p: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:float The active production value of each generator (expressed in MW). prod_q: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:float The reactive production value of each generator (expressed in MVar). prod_v: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:float The voltage magnitude of the bus to which each generator is connected (expressed in kV). load_p: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:float The active load value of each consumption (expressed in MW). load_q: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:float The reactive load value of each consumption (expressed in MVar). load_v: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:float The voltage magnitude of the bus to which each consumption is connected (expressed in kV). p_or: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:float The active power flow at the origin end of each powerline (expressed in MW). q_or: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:float The reactive power flow at the origin end of each powerline (expressed in MVar). v_or: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:float The voltage magnitude at the bus to which the origin end of each powerline is connected (expressed in kV). a_or: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:float The current flow at the origin end of each powerline (expressed in A). p_ex: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:float The active power flow at the extremity end of each powerline (expressed in MW). q_ex: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:float The reactive power flow at the extremity end of each powerline (expressed in MVar). v_ex: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:float The voltage magnitude at the bus to which the extremity end of each powerline is connected (expressed in kV). a_ex: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:float The current flow at the extremity end of each powerline (expressed in A). rho: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:float The capacity of each powerline. It is defined at the observed current flow divided by the thermal limit of each powerline (no unit) connectivity_matrix_: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:float The connectivityt matrix (if computed, or None) see definition of :func:`connectivity_matrix` for more information bus_connectivity_matrix_: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:float The `bus_connectivity_matrix_` matrix (if computed, or None) see definition of :func:`BaseObservation.bus_connectivity_matrix` for more information vectorized: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:float The vector representation of this BaseObservation (if computed, or None) see definition of :func:`to_vect` for more information. topo_vect: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:int For each object (load, generator, ends of a powerline) it gives on which bus this object is connected in its substation. See :func:`grid2op.Backend.Backend.get_topo_vect` for more information. line_status: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:bool Gives the status (connected / disconnected) for every powerline (``True`` at position `i` means the powerline `i` is connected) timestep_overflow: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:int Gives the number of time steps since a powerline is in overflow. time_before_cooldown_line: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:int For each powerline, it gives the number of time step the powerline is unavailable due to "cooldown" (see :attr:`grid2op.Parameters.Parameters.NB_TIMESTEP_LINE_STATUS_REMODIF` for more information). 0 means the an action will be able to act on this same powerline, a number > 0 (eg 1) means that an action at this time step cannot act on this powerline (in the example the agent have to wait 1 time step) time_before_cooldown_sub: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:int Same as :attr:`BaseObservation.time_before_cooldown_line` but for substations. For each substation, it gives the number of timesteps to wait before acting on this substation (see see :attr:`grid2op.Parameters.Parameters.NB_TIMESTEP_TOPOLOGY_REMODIF` for more information). time_before_line_reconnectable: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:int For each powerline, it gives the number of timesteps before the powerline can be reconnected. This only concerns the maintenance, outage (hazards) and disconnection due to cascading failures (including overflow). The same convention as for :attr:`BaseObservation.time_before_cooldown_line` and :attr:`BaseObservation.time_before_cooldown_sub` is adopted: 0 at position `i` means that the powerline can be reconnected. It there is 2 (for example) it means that the powerline `i` is unavailable for 2 timesteps (we will be able to re connect it not this time, not next time, but the following timestep) time_next_maintenance: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:int For each powerline, it gives the time of the next planned maintenance. For example if there is: - `1` at position `i` it means that the powerline `i` will be disconnected for maintenance operation at the next time step. A - `0` at position `i` means that powerline `i` is disconnected from the powergrid for maintenance operation at the current time step. - `-1` at position `i` means that powerline `i` will not be disconnected for maintenance reason for this episode. duration_next_maintenance: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:int For each powerline, it gives the number of time step that the maintenance will last (if any). This means that, if at position `i` of this vector: - there is a `0`: the powerline is not disconnected from the grid for maintenance - there is a `1`, `2`, ... the powerline will be disconnected for at least `1`, `2`, ... timestep (**NB** in all case, the powerline will stay disconnected until a :class:`grid2op.BaseAgent.BaseAgent` performs the proper :class:`grid2op.BaseAction.BaseAction` to reconnect it). target_dispatch: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:float For **each** generators, it gives the target redispatching, asked by the agent. This is the sum of all redispatching asked by the agent for during all the episode. It for each generator it is a number between: - pmax and pmax. Note that there is information about all generators there, even the one that are not dispatchable. actual_dispatch: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype:float For **each** generators, it gives the redispatching currently implemented by the environment. Indeed, the environment tries to implement at best the :attr:`BaseObservation.target_dispatch`, but sometimes, due to physical limitation (pmin, pmax, ramp min and ramp max) it cannot. In this case, only the best possible redispatching is implemented at the current time step, and this is what this vector stores. Note that there is information about all generators there, even the one that are not dispatchable. """
[docs] def __init__(self, gridobj, obs_env=None, action_helper=None, seed=None): GridObjects.__init__(self) self.init_grid(gridobj) self.action_helper = action_helper # time stamp information self.year = 1970 self.month = 0 = 0 self.hour_of_day = 0 self.minute_of_hour = 0 self.day_of_week = 0 # for non deterministic observation that would not use default np.random module self.seed = None # handles the forecasts here self._forecasted_grid = [] self._forecasted_inj = [] self._obs_env = obs_env self.timestep_overflow = None # 0. (line is disconnected) / 1. (line is connected) self.line_status = None # topological vector self.topo_vect = None # generators information self.prod_p = None self.prod_q = None self.prod_v = None # loads information self.load_p = None self.load_q = None self.load_v = None # lines origin information self.p_or = None self.q_or = None self.v_or = None self.a_or = None # lines extremity information self.p_ex = None self.q_ex = None self.v_ex = None self.a_ex = None # lines relative flows self.rho = None # cool down and reconnection time after hard overflow, soft overflow or cascading failure self.time_before_cooldown_line = None self.time_before_cooldown_sub = None self.time_before_line_reconnectable = None self.time_next_maintenance = None self.duration_next_maintenance = None # matrices self.connectivity_matrix_ = None self.bus_connectivity_matrix_ = None self.vectorized = None # redispatching self.target_dispatch = None self.actual_dispatch = None # value to assess if two observations are equal self._tol_equal = 5e-1 self.attr_list_vect = None self.reset()
[docs] def state_of(self, _sentinel=None, load_id=None, gen_id=None, line_id=None, substation_id=None): """ Return the state of this action on a give unique load, generator unit, powerline of substation. Only one of load, gen, line or substation should be filled. The querry of these objects can only be done by id here (ie by giving the integer of the object in the backed). The :class:`ActionSpace` has some utilities to access them by name too. Parameters ---------- _sentinel: ``None`` Used to prevent positional parameters. Internal, do not use. load_id: ``int`` ID of the load we want to inspect gen_id: ``int`` ID of the generator we want to inspect line_id: ``int`` ID of the powerline we want to inspect substation_id: ``int`` ID of the powerline we want to inspect Returns ------- res: :class:`dict` A dictionnary with keys and value depending on which object needs to be inspected: - if a load is inspected, then the keys are: - "p" the active value consumed by the load - "q" the reactive value consumed by the load - "v" the voltage magnitude of the bus to which the load is connected - "bus" on which bus the load is connected in the substation - "sub_id" the id of the substation to which the load is connected - if a generator is inspected, then the keys are: - "p" the active value produced by the generator - "q" the reactive value consumed by the generator - "v" the voltage magnitude of the bus to which the generator is connected - "bus" on which bus the generator is connected in the substation - "sub_id" the id of the substation to which the generator is connected - "actual_dispatch" the actual dispatch implemented for this generator - "target_dispatch" the target dispatch (cumulation of all previously asked dispatch by the agent) for this generator - if a powerline is inspected then the keys are "origin" and "extremity" each being dictionnary with keys: - "p" the active flow on line end (extremity or origin) - "q" the reactive flow on line end (extremity or origin) - "v" the voltage magnitude of the bus to which the line end (extremity or origin) is connected - "bus" on which bus the line end (extremity or origin) is connected in the substation - "sub_id" the id of the substation to which the generator is connected - "a" the current flow on the line end (extremity or origin) In the case of a powerline, additional information are: - "maintenance": information about the maintenance operation (time of the next maintenance and duration of this next maintenance. - "cooldown_time": for how many timestep i am not supposed to act on the powerline due to cooldown (see :attr:`grid2op.Parameters.Parameters.NB_TIMESTEP_LINE_STATUS_REMODIF` for more information) - "indisponibility": for how many timestep the powerline is unavailable (disconnected, and it's impossible to reconnect it) due to hazards, maintenance or overflow (incl. cascading failure) - if a substation is inspected, it returns the topology to this substation in a dictionary with keys: - "topo_vect": the representation of which object is connected where - "nb_bus": number of active buses in this substations - "cooldown_time": for how many timestep i am not supposed to act on the substation due to cooldown (see :attr:`grid2op.Parameters.Parameters.NB_TIMESTEP_TOPOLOGY_REMODIF` for more information) Raises ------ Grid2OpException If _sentinel is modified, or if None of the arguments are set or alternatively if 2 or more of the parameters are being set. """ if _sentinel is not None: raise Grid2OpException("action.effect_on should only be called with named argument.") if load_id is None and gen_id is None and line_id is None and substation_id is None: raise Grid2OpException("You ask the state of an object in a observation without specifying the object id. " "Please provide \"load_id\", \"gen_id\", \"line_id\" or \"substation_id\"") if load_id is not None: if gen_id is not None or line_id is not None or substation_id is not None: raise Grid2OpException("You can only the inspect the effect of an action on one single element") if load_id >= len(self.load_p): raise Grid2OpException("There are no load of id \"load_id={}\" in this grid.".format(load_id)) res = {"p": self.load_p[load_id], "q": self.load_q[load_id], "v": self.load_v[load_id], "bus": self.topo_vect[self.load_pos_topo_vect[load_id]], "sub_id": self.load_to_subid[load_id] } elif gen_id is not None: if line_id is not None or substation_id is not None: raise Grid2OpException("You can only the inspect the effect of an action on one single element") if gen_id >= len(self.prod_p): raise Grid2OpException("There are no generator of id \"gen_id={}\" in this grid.".format(gen_id)) res = {"p": self.prod_p[gen_id], "q": self.prod_q[gen_id], "v": self.prod_v[gen_id], "bus": self.topo_vect[self.gen_pos_topo_vect[gen_id]], "sub_id": self.gen_to_subid[gen_id], "target_dispatch": self.target_dispatch[gen_id], "actual_dispatch": self.target_dispatch[gen_id] } elif line_id is not None: if substation_id is not None: raise Grid2OpException("You can only the inspect the effect of an action on one single element") if line_id >= len(self.p_or): raise Grid2OpException("There are no powerline of id \"line_id={}\" in this grid.".format(line_id)) res = {} # origin information res["origin"] = { "p": self.p_or[line_id], "q": self.q_or[line_id], "v": self.v_or[line_id], "a": self.a_or[line_id], "bus": self.topo_vect[self.line_or_pos_topo_vect[line_id]], "sub_id": self.line_or_to_subid[line_id] } # extremity information res["extremity"] = { "p": self.p_ex[line_id], "q": self.q_ex[line_id], "v": self.v_ex[line_id], "a": self.a_ex[line_id], "bus": self.topo_vect[self.line_ex_pos_topo_vect[line_id]], "sub_id": self.line_ex_to_subid[line_id] } # maintenance information res["maintenance"] = {"next": self.time_next_maintenance[line_id], "duration_next": self.duration_next_maintenance[line_id]} # cooldown res["cooldown_time"] = self.time_before_cooldown_line[line_id] # indisponibility res["indisponibility"] = self.time_before_line_reconnectable[line_id] else: if substation_id >= len(self.sub_info): raise Grid2OpException("There are no substation of id \"substation_id={}\" in this grid.".format(substation_id)) beg_ = int(np.sum(self.sub_info[:substation_id])) end_ = int(beg_ + self.sub_info[substation_id]) topo_sub = self.topo_vect[beg_:end_] if np.any(topo_sub > 0): nb_bus = np.max(topo_sub[topo_sub > 0]) - np.min(topo_sub[topo_sub > 0]) + 1 else: nb_bus = 0 res = { "topo_vect": topo_sub, "nb_bus": nb_bus, "cooldown_time": self.time_before_cooldown_sub[substation_id] } return res
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset the :class:`BaseObservation` to a blank state, where everything is set to either ``None`` or to its default value. """ # vecorized _grid self.timestep_overflow = np.zeros(shape=(self.n_line,), # 0. (line is disconnected) / 1. (line is connected) self.line_status = np.ones(shape=self.n_line, dtype=np.bool) # topological vector self.topo_vect = np.full(shape=self.dim_topo,, fill_value=0) # generators information self.prod_p = np.full(shape=self.n_gen, dtype=np.float, fill_value=np.NaN) self.prod_q = np.full(shape=self.n_gen, dtype=np.float, fill_value=np.NaN) self.prod_v = np.full(shape=self.n_gen, dtype=np.float, fill_value=np.NaN) # loads information self.load_p = np.full(shape=self.n_load, dtype=np.float, fill_value=np.NaN) self.load_q = np.full(shape=self.n_load, dtype=np.float, fill_value=np.NaN) self.load_v = np.full(shape=self.n_load, dtype=np.float, fill_value=np.NaN) # lines origin information self.p_or = np.full(shape=self.n_line, dtype=np.float, fill_value=np.NaN) self.q_or = np.full(shape=self.n_line, dtype=np.float, fill_value=np.NaN) self.v_or = np.full(shape=self.n_line, dtype=np.float, fill_value=np.NaN) self.a_or = np.full(shape=self.n_line, dtype=np.float, fill_value=np.NaN) # lines extremity information self.p_ex = np.full(shape=self.n_line, dtype=np.float, fill_value=np.NaN) self.q_ex = np.full(shape=self.n_line, dtype=np.float, fill_value=np.NaN) self.v_ex = np.full(shape=self.n_line, dtype=np.float, fill_value=np.NaN) self.a_ex = np.full(shape=self.n_line, dtype=np.float, fill_value=np.NaN) # lines relative flows self.rho = np.full(shape=self.n_line, dtype=np.float, fill_value=np.NaN) # cool down and reconnection time after hard overflow, soft overflow or cascading failure self.time_before_cooldown_line = np.full(shape=self.n_line,, fill_value=-1) self.time_before_cooldown_sub = np.full(shape=self.n_sub,, fill_value=-1) self.time_before_line_reconnectable = np.full(shape=self.n_line,, fill_value=-1) self.time_next_maintenance = np.full(shape=self.n_line,, fill_value=-1) self.duration_next_maintenance = np.full(shape=self.n_line,, fill_value=-1) # calendar data self.year = 1970 self.month = 0 = 0 self.hour_of_day = 0 self.minute_of_hour = 0 self.day_of_week = 0 # forecasts self._forecasted_inj = [] self._forecasted_grid = [] # redispatching self.target_dispatch = np.full(shape=self.n_gen, dtype=np.float, fill_value=np.NaN) self.actual_dispatch = np.full(shape=self.n_gen, dtype=np.float, fill_value=np.NaN)
def __compare_stats(self, other, name): if self.__dict__[name] is None and other.__dict__[name] is not None: return False if self.__dict__[name] is not None and other.__dict__[name] is None: return False if self.__dict__[name] is not None: if self.__dict__[name].shape != other.__dict__[name].shape: return False if self.__dict__[name].dtype != other.__dict__[name].dtype: return False if np.issubdtype(self.__dict__[name].dtype, np.dtype(float).type): # special case of floating points, otherwise vector are never equal if not np.all(np.abs(self.__dict__[name] - other.__dict__[name]) <= self._tol_equal): return False else: if not np.all(self.__dict__[name] == other.__dict__[name]): return False return True
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """ Test the equality of two actions. 2 actions are said to be identical if the have the same impact on the powergrid. This is unlrelated to their respective class. For example, if an BaseAction is of class :class:`BaseAction` and doesn't act on the _injection, it can be equal to a an BaseAction of derived class :class:`TopologyAction` (if the topological modification are the same of course). This implies that the attributes :attr:`BaseAction.authorized_keys` is not checked in this method. Note that if 2 actions doesn't act on the same powergrid, or on the same backend (eg number of loads, or generators is not the same in *self* and *other*, or they are not in the same order) then action will be declared as different. **Known issue** if two backend are different, but the description of the _grid are identical (ie all n_gen, n_load, n_line, sub_info, dim_topo, all vectors \*_to_subid, and \*_pos_topo_vect are identical) then this method will not detect the backend are different, and the action could be declared as identical. For now, this is only a theoretical behaviour: if everything is the same, then probably, up to the naming convention, then the powergrid are identical too. Parameters ---------- other: :class:`BaseObservation` An instance of class BaseAction to which "self" will be compared. Returns ------- """ # TODO doc above if self.year != other.year: return False if self.month != other.month: return False if != return False if self.day_of_week != other.day_of_week: return False if self.hour_of_day != other.hour_of_day: return False if self.minute_of_hour != other.minute_of_hour: return False # check that the _grid is the same in both instances same_grid = True same_grid = same_grid and self.n_gen == other.n_gen same_grid = same_grid and self.n_load == other.n_load same_grid = same_grid and self.n_line == other.n_line same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.sub_info == other.sub_info) same_grid = same_grid and self.dim_topo == other.dim_topo # to which substation is connected each element same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.load_to_subid == other.load_to_subid) same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.gen_to_subid == other.gen_to_subid) same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.line_or_to_subid == other.line_or_to_subid) same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.line_ex_to_subid == other.line_ex_to_subid) # which index has this element in the substation vector same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.load_to_sub_pos == other.load_to_sub_pos) same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.gen_to_sub_pos == other.gen_to_sub_pos) same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.line_or_to_sub_pos == other.line_or_to_sub_pos) same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.line_ex_to_sub_pos == other.line_ex_to_sub_pos) # which index has this element in the topology vector same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.load_pos_topo_vect == other.load_pos_topo_vect) same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.gen_pos_topo_vect == other.gen_pos_topo_vect) same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.line_or_pos_topo_vect == other.line_or_pos_topo_vect) same_grid = same_grid and np.all(self.line_ex_pos_topo_vect == other.line_ex_pos_topo_vect) if not same_grid: return False for stat_nm in ["line_status", "topo_vect", "timestep_overflow", "prod_p", "prod_q", "prod_v", "load_p", "load_q", "load_v", "p_or", "q_or", "v_or", "a_or", "p_ex", "q_ex", "v_ex", "a_ex", "time_before_cooldown_line", "time_before_cooldown_sub", "time_before_line_reconnectable", "time_next_maintenance", "duration_next_maintenance", "target_dispatch", "actual_dispatch" ]: if not self.__compare_stats(other, stat_nm): # one of the above stat is not equal in this and in other return False return True
[docs] @abstractmethod def update(self, env): """ Update the actual instance of BaseObservation with the new received value from the environment. An observation is a description of the powergrid perceived by an agent. The agent takes his decision based on the current observation and the past rewards. This method `update` receive complete detailed information about the powergrid, but that does not mean an agent sees everything. For example, it is possible to derive this class to implement some noise in the generator or load, or flows to mimic sensor inaccuracy. It is also possible to give fake information about the topology, the line status etc. In the Grid2Op framework it's also through the observation that the agent has access to some forecast (the way forecast are handled depends are implemented in this class). For example, forecast data (retrieved thanks to `chronics_handler`) are processed, but can be processed differently. One can apply load / production forecast to each _grid state, or to make forecast for one "reference" _grid state valid a whole day and update this one only etc. All these different mechanisms can be implemented in Grid2Op framework by overloading the `update` observation method. This class is really what a dispatcher observes from it environment. It can also include some temperatures, nebulosity, wind etc. can also be included in this class. """ pass
[docs] def connectivity_matrix(self): """ Computes and return the "connectivity matrix" `con_mat`. if "dim_topo = 2 * n_line + n_prod + n_conso" It is a matrix of size dim_topo, dim_topo, with values 0 or 1. For two objects (lines extremity, generator unit, load) i,j : - if i and j are connected on the same substation: - if `conn_mat[i,j] = 0` it means the objects id'ed i and j are not connected to the same bus. - if `conn_mat[i,j] = 1` it means the objects id'ed i and j are connected to the same bus, are both end of the same powerline - if i and j are not connected on the same substation then`conn_mat[i,j] = 0` except if i and j are the two extremities of the same power line, in this case `conn_mat[i,j] = 1`. By definition, the diagonal is made of 0. Returns ------- res: ``numpy.ndarray``, shape:dim_topo,dim_topo, dtype:float The connectivity matrix, as defined above """ raise NotImplementedError("This method is not implemented")
[docs] def bus_connectivity_matrix(self): """ If we denote by `nb_bus` the total number bus of the powergrid. The `bus_connectivity_matrix` will have a size nb_bus, nb_bus and will be made of 0 and 1. If `bus_connectivity_matrix[i,j] = 1` then at least a power line connects bus i and bus j. Otherwise, nothing connects it. Returns ------- res: ``numpy.ndarray``, shape:nb_bus,nb_bus dtype:float The bus connectivity matrix """ raise NotImplementedError("This method is not implemented. ")
[docs] def simulate(self, action, time_step=0): """ This method is used to simulate the effect of an action on a forecasted powergrid state. It has the same return value as the :func:`grid2op.Environment.Environment.step` function. Parameters ---------- action: :class:`grid2op.Action.Action` The action to simulate time_step: ``int`` The time step of the forecasted grid to perform the action on. If no forecast are available for this time step, a :class:`grid2op.Exceptions.NoForecastAvailable` is thrown. Raises ------ :class:`grid2op.Exceptions.NoForecastAvailable` if no forecast are available for the time_step querried. Returns ------- observation: :class:`grid2op.Observation.Observation` agent's observation of the current environment reward: ``float`` amount of reward returned after previous action done: ``bool`` whether the episode has ended, in which case further step() calls will return undefined results info: ``dict`` contains auxiliary diagnostic information (helpful for debugging, and sometimes learning) """ if self.action_helper is None or self._obs_env is None: raise NoForecastAvailable("No forecasts are available for this instance of BaseObservation (no action_space " "and no simulated environment are set).") if time_step >= len(self._forecasted_inj): raise NoForecastAvailable("Forecast for {} timestep ahead is not possible with your chronics.".format(time_step)) timestamp, inj_forecasted = self._forecasted_inj[time_step] inj_action = self.action_helper(inj_forecasted) # initialize the "simulation environment" with the proper injections self._forecasted_grid[time_step] = self._obs_env.copy() # TODO avoid un necessary copy above. Have one backend for all "simulate" and save instead the # TODO obs_env._action that set the backend to the sate we want to simulate self._forecasted_grid[time_step].init(inj_action, time_stamp=timestamp, timestep_overflow=self.timestep_overflow) return self._forecasted_grid[time_step].simulate(action)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Make a (deep) copy of the observation. Returns ------- res: :class:`BaseObservation` The deep copy of the observation """ obs_env = self._obs_env self._obs_env = None res = copy.deepcopy(self) self._obs_env = obs_env res._obs_env = obs_env.copy() return res