Source code for grid2op.Observation.CompleteObservation

import numpy as np
import copy

from grid2op.Observation.BaseObservation import BaseObservation

[docs]class CompleteObservation(BaseObservation): """ This class represent a complete observation, where everything on the powergrid can be observed without any noise. This is the only :class:`BaseObservation` implemented (and used) in Grid2Op. Other type of observation, for other usage can of course be implemented following this example. It has the same attributes as the :class:`BaseObservation` class. Only one is added here. For a :class:`CompleteObservation` the unique representation as a vector is: 1. the year [1 element] 2. the month [1 element] 3. the day [1 element] 4. the day of the week. Monday = 0, Sunday = 6 [1 element] 5. the hour of the day [1 element] 6. minute of the hour [1 element] 7. :attr:`BaseObservation.prod_p` the active value of the productions [:attr:`BaseObservation.n_gen` elements] 8. :attr:`BaseObservation.prod_q` the reactive value of the productions [:attr:`BaseObservation.n_gen` elements] 9. :attr:`BaseObservation.prod_q` the voltage setpoint of the productions [:attr:`BaseObservation.n_gen` elements] 10. :attr:`BaseObservation.load_p` the active value of the loads [:attr:`BaseObservation.n_load` elements] 11. :attr:`BaseObservation.load_q` the reactive value of the loads [:attr:`BaseObservation.n_load` elements] 12. :attr:`BaseObservation.load_v` the voltage setpoint of the loads [:attr:`BaseObservation.n_load` elements] 13. :attr:`BaseObservation.p_or` active flow at origin of powerlines [:attr:`BaseObservation.n_line` elements] 14. :attr:`BaseObservation.q_or` reactive flow at origin of powerlines [:attr:`BaseObservation.n_line` elements] 15. :attr:`BaseObservation.v_or` voltage at origin of powerlines [:attr:`BaseObservation.n_line` elements] 16. :attr:`BaseObservation.a_or` current flow at origin of powerlines [:attr:`BaseObservation.n_line` elements] 17. :attr:`BaseObservation.p_ex` active flow at extremity of powerlines [:attr:`BaseObservation.n_line` elements] 18. :attr:`BaseObservation.q_ex` reactive flow at extremity of powerlines [:attr:`BaseObservation.n_line` elements] 19. :attr:`BaseObservation.v_ex` voltage at extremity of powerlines [:attr:`BaseObservation.n_line` elements] 20. :attr:`BaseObservation.a_ex` current flow at extremity of powerlines [:attr:`BaseObservation.n_line` elements] 21. :attr:`BaseObservation.rho` line capacity used (current flow / thermal limit) [:attr:`BaseObservation.n_line` elements] 22. :attr:`BaseObservation.line_status` line status [:attr:`BaseObservation.n_line` elements] 23. :attr:`BaseObservation.timestep_overflow` number of timestep since the powerline was on overflow (0 if the line is not on overflow)[:attr:`BaseObservation.n_line` elements] 24. :attr:`BaseObservation.topo_vect` representation as a vector of the topology [for each element it gives its bus]. See :func:`grid2op.Backend.Backend.get_topo_vect` for more information. 25. :attr:`BaseObservation.time_before_cooldown_line` representation of the cooldown time on the powerlines [:attr:`BaseObservation.n_line` elements] 26. :attr:`BaseObservation.time_before_cooldown_sub` representation of the cooldown time on the substations [:attr:`BaseObservation.n_sub` elements] 27. :attr:`BaseObservation.time_before_line_reconnectable` number of timestep to wait before a powerline can be reconnected (it is disconnected due to maintenance, cascading failure or overflow) [:attr:`BaseObservation.n_line` elements] 28. :attr:`BaseObservation.time_next_maintenance` number of timestep before the next maintenance (-1 means no maintenance are planned, 0 a maintenance is in operation) [:attr:`BaseObservation.n_line` elements] 29. :attr:`BaseObservation.duration_next_maintenance` duration of the next maintenance. If a maintenance is taking place, this is the number of timestep before it ends. [:attr:`BaseObservation.n_line` elements] 30. :attr:`BaseObservation.target_dispatch` the target dispatch for each generator [:attr:`BaseObservation.n_gen` elements] 31. :attr:`BaseObservation.actual_dispatch` the actual dispatch for each generator [:attr:`BaseObservation.n_gen` elements] This behavior is specified in the :attr:`BaseObservation.attr_list_vect` vector. Attributes ---------- dictionnarized: ``dict`` The representation of the action in a form of a dictionnary. See the definition of :func:`CompleteObservation.to_dict` for a description of this dictionnary. """
[docs] def __init__(self, gridobj, obs_env=None, action_helper=None, seed=None): BaseObservation.__init__(self, gridobj, obs_env=obs_env, action_helper=action_helper, seed=seed) self.dictionnarized = None self.attr_list_vect = [ "year", "month", "day", "hour_of_day", "minute_of_hour", "day_of_week", "prod_p", "prod_q", "prod_v", "load_p", "load_q", "load_v", "p_or", "q_or", "v_or", "a_or", "p_ex", "q_ex", "v_ex", "a_ex", "rho", "line_status", "timestep_overflow", "topo_vect", "time_before_cooldown_line", "time_before_cooldown_sub", "time_before_line_reconnectable", "time_next_maintenance", "duration_next_maintenance", "target_dispatch", "actual_dispatch" ]
def _reset_matrices(self): self.connectivity_matrix_ = None self.bus_connectivity_matrix_ = None self.vectorized = None self.dictionnarized = None
[docs] def update(self, env): """ This use the environement to update properly the BaseObservation. Parameters ---------- env: :class:`grid2op.Environment.Environment` The environment from which to update this observation. """ # reset the matrices self._reset_matrices() self.reset() # extract the time stamps self.year = env.time_stamp.year self.month = env.time_stamp.month = self.hour_of_day = env.time_stamp.hour self.minute_of_hour = env.time_stamp.minute self.day_of_week = env.time_stamp.weekday() # get the values related to topology self.timestep_overflow = copy.copy(env.timestep_overflow) self.line_status = copy.copy(env.backend.get_line_status()) self.topo_vect = copy.copy(env.backend.get_topo_vect()) # get the values related to continuous values self.prod_p[:], self.prod_q[:], self.prod_v[:] = env.backend.generators_info() self.load_p[:], self.load_q[:], self.load_v[:] = env.backend.loads_info() self.p_or[:], self.q_or[:], self.v_or[:], self.a_or[:] = env.backend.lines_or_info() self.p_ex[:], self.q_ex[:], self.v_ex[:], self.a_ex[:] = env.backend.lines_ex_info() # handles forecasts here self._forecasted_inj = env.chronics_handler.forecasts() for i in range(len(self._forecasted_grid)): # in the action, i assign the lat topology known, it's a choice here... self._forecasted_grid[i]["setbus"] = self.topo_vect self._forecasted_grid = [None for _ in self._forecasted_inj] self.rho = env.backend.get_relative_flow() # cool down and reconnection time after hard overflow, soft overflow or cascading failure self.time_before_cooldown_line[:] = env.times_before_line_status_actionable self.time_before_cooldown_sub[:] = env.times_before_topology_actionable self.time_before_line_reconnectable[:] = env.time_remaining_before_line_reconnection self.time_next_maintenance[:] = env.time_next_maintenance self.duration_next_maintenance[:] = env.duration_next_maintenance # redispatching self.target_dispatch[:] = env.target_dispatch self.actual_dispatch[:] = env.actual_dispatch
[docs] def from_vect(self, vect): """ Convert back an observation represented as a vector into a proper observation. Some convertion are done silently from float to the type of the corresponding observation attribute. Parameters ---------- vect: ``numpy.ndarray`` A representation of an BaseObservation in the form of a vector that is used to convert back the current observation to be equal to the vect. """ # reset the matrices self._reset_matrices() # and ensure everything is reloaded properly super().from_vect(vect)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Returns ------- """ # TODO doc if self.dictionnarized is None: self.dictionnarized = {} self.dictionnarized["timestep_overflow"] = self.timestep_overflow self.dictionnarized["line_status"] = self.line_status self.dictionnarized["topo_vect"] = self.topo_vect self.dictionnarized["loads"] = {} self.dictionnarized["loads"]["p"] = self.load_p self.dictionnarized["loads"]["q"] = self.load_q self.dictionnarized["loads"]["v"] = self.load_v self.dictionnarized["prods"] = {} self.dictionnarized["prods"]["p"] = self.prod_p self.dictionnarized["prods"]["q"] = self.prod_q self.dictionnarized["prods"]["v"] = self.prod_v self.dictionnarized["lines_or"] = {} self.dictionnarized["lines_or"]["p"] = self.p_or self.dictionnarized["lines_or"]["q"] = self.q_or self.dictionnarized["lines_or"]["v"] = self.v_or self.dictionnarized["lines_or"]["a"] = self.a_or self.dictionnarized["lines_ex"] = {} self.dictionnarized["lines_ex"]["p"] = self.p_ex self.dictionnarized["lines_ex"]["q"] = self.q_ex self.dictionnarized["lines_ex"]["v"] = self.v_ex self.dictionnarized["lines_ex"]["a"] = self.a_ex self.dictionnarized["rho"] = self.rho self.dictionnarized["maintenance"] = {} self.dictionnarized["maintenance"]['time_next_maintenance'] = self.time_next_maintenance self.dictionnarized["maintenance"]['duration_next_maintenance'] = self.duration_next_maintenance self.dictionnarized["cooldown"] = {} self.dictionnarized["cooldown"]['line'] = self.time_before_cooldown_line self.dictionnarized["cooldown"]['substation'] = self.time_before_cooldown_sub self.dictionnarized["time_before_line_reconnectable"] = self.time_before_line_reconnectable self.dictionnarized["redispatching"] = {} self.dictionnarized["redispatching"]["target_redispatch"] = self.target_dispatch self.dictionnarized["redispatching"]["actual_dispatch"] = self.actual_dispatch return self.dictionnarized
[docs] def connectivity_matrix(self): """ Computes and return the "connectivity matrix" `con_mat`. if "dim_topo = 2 * n_line + n_prod + n_conso" It is a matrix of size dim_topo, dim_topo, with values 0 or 1. For two objects (lines extremity, generator unit, load) i,j : - if i and j are connected on the same substation: - if `conn_mat[i,j] = 0` it means the objects id'ed i and j are not connected to the same bus. - if `conn_mat[i,j] = 1` it means the objects id'ed i and j are connected to the same bus, are both end of the same powerline - if i and j are not connected on the same substation then`conn_mat[i,j] = 0` except if i and j are the two extremities of the same power line, in this case `conn_mat[i,j] = 1`. By definition, the diagonal is made of 0. Returns ------- res: ``numpy.ndarray``, shape:dim_topo,dim_topo, dtype:float The connectivity matrix, as defined above """ if self.connectivity_matrix_ is None: self.connectivity_matrix_ = np.zeros(shape=(self.dim_topo, self.dim_topo),dtype=np.float) # fill it by block for the objects beg_ = 0 end_ = 0 for sub_id, nb_obj in enumerate(self.sub_info): # it must be a vanilla python integer, otherwise it's not handled by some backend # especially if written in c++ nb_obj = int(nb_obj) end_ += nb_obj tmp = np.zeros(shape=(nb_obj, nb_obj), dtype=np.float) for obj1 in range(nb_obj): for obj2 in range(obj1+1, nb_obj): if self.topo_vect[beg_+obj1] == self.topo_vect[beg_+obj2]: # objects are on the same bus tmp[obj1, obj2] = 1 tmp[obj2, obj1] = 1 self.connectivity_matrix_[beg_:end_, beg_:end_] = tmp beg_ += nb_obj # connect the objects together with the lines (both ends of a lines are connected together) for q_id in range(self.n_line): self.connectivity_matrix_[self.line_or_pos_topo_vect[q_id], self.line_ex_pos_topo_vect[q_id]] = 1 self.connectivity_matrix_[self.line_ex_pos_topo_vect[q_id], self.line_or_pos_topo_vect[q_id]] = 1 return self.connectivity_matrix_
[docs] def bus_connectivity_matrix(self): """ If we denote by `nb_bus` the total number bus of the powergrid. The `bus_connectivity_matrix` will have a size nb_bus, nb_bus and will be made of 0 and 1. If `bus_connectivity_matrix[i,j] = 1` then at least a power line connects bus i and bus j. Otherwise, nothing connects it. Returns ------- res: ``numpy.ndarray``, shape:nb_bus,nb_bus dtype:float The bus connectivity matrix """ # TODO voir avec Antoine pour les r,x,h ici !! (surtout les x) if self.bus_connectivity_matrix_ is None: # computes the number of buses in the powergrid. nb_bus = 0 nb_bus_per_sub = np.zeros(self.sub_info.shape[0]) beg_ = 0 end_ = 0 for sub_id, nb_obj in enumerate(self.sub_info): nb_obj = int(nb_obj) end_ += nb_obj tmp = len(np.unique(self.topo_vect[beg_:end_])) nb_bus_per_sub[sub_id] = tmp nb_bus += tmp beg_ += nb_obj # define the bus_connectivity_matrix self.bus_connectivity_matrix_ = np.zeros(shape=(nb_bus, nb_bus), dtype=np.float) np.fill_diagonal(self.bus_connectivity_matrix_, 1) for q_id in range(self.n_line): bus_or = int(self.topo_vect[self.line_or_pos_topo_vect[q_id]]) sub_id_or = int(self.line_or_to_subid[q_id]) bus_ex = int(self.topo_vect[self.line_ex_pos_topo_vect[q_id]]) sub_id_ex = int(self.line_ex_to_subid[q_id]) # try: bus_id_or = int(np.sum(nb_bus_per_sub[:sub_id_or])+(bus_or-1)) bus_id_ex = int(np.sum(nb_bus_per_sub[:sub_id_ex])+(bus_ex-1)) self.bus_connectivity_matrix_[bus_id_or, bus_id_ex] = 1 self.bus_connectivity_matrix_[bus_id_ex, bus_id_or] = 1 # except: # pdb.set_trace() return self.bus_connectivity_matrix_