Source code for grid2op.Observation.SerializableObservationSpace

from grid2op.Space import SerializableSpace
from grid2op.Observation.CompleteObservation import CompleteObservation

[docs]class SerializableObservationSpace(SerializableSpace): """ This class allows to serialize / de serialize the action space. It should not be used inside an Environment, as some functions of the action might not be compatible with the serialization, especially the checking of whether or not an BaseObservation is legal or not. Attributes ---------- observationClass: ``type`` Type used to build the :attr:`SerializableActionSpace._template_act` _empty_obs: :class:`BaseObservation` An instance of the "*observationClass*" provided used to provide higher level utilities """
[docs] def __init__(self, gridobj, observationClass=CompleteObservation): """ Parameters ---------- gridobj: :class:`grid2op.Space.GridObjects` Representation of the objects in the powergrid. observationClass: ``type`` Type of action used to build :attr:`Space.SerializableSpace._template_obj` """ SerializableSpace.__init__(self, gridobj=gridobj, subtype=observationClass) self.observationClass = self.subtype self._empty_obs = self._template_obj
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(dict_): """ Allows the de-serialization of an object stored as a dictionnary (for example in the case of json saving). Parameters ---------- dict_: ``dict`` Representation of an BaseObservation Space (aka SerializableObservationSpace) as a dictionnary. Returns ------- res: :class:``SerializableObservationSpace`` An instance of an action space matching the dictionnary. """ tmp = SerializableSpace.from_dict(dict_) res = SerializableObservationSpace(gridobj=tmp, observationClass=tmp.subtype) return res