Source code for grid2op.Rules.PreventReconnection

import numpy as np
from grid2op.Rules.BaseRules import BaseRules

import pdb

[docs]class PreventReconnection(BaseRules): """ A subclass is used to check that an action will not attempt to reconnect a powerlines disconnected because of an overflow, or to check that 2 actions acting on the same powerline are distant from the right number of timesteps (see :attr:`grid2op.Parameters.Parameters.NB_TIMESTEP_LINE_STATUS_REMODIF`) or if two topological modification of the same substation are too close in time (see :attr:`grid2op.Parameters.Parameters.NB_TIMESTEP_TOPOLOGY_REMODIF`) """
[docs] def __call__(self, action, env): """ This function check only that the action doesn't attempt to reconnect a powerline that has been disconnected due to an overflow. See :func:`BaseRules.__call__` for a definition of the parameters of this function. """ aff_lines, aff_subs = action.get_topological_impact() if np.any(env.time_remaining_before_reconnection[aff_lines] > 0): # i tried to act on a powerline removed because an overflow return False if np.any(env.times_before_line_status_actionable[aff_lines] > 0): # i tried to act on a powerline too shortly after a previous action return False if np.any(env.times_before_topology_actionable[aff_subs] > 0): # I tried to act on a topology too shortly after a previous action return False return True