Source code for grid2op.Space.SerializableSpace

import os
import re
import json
import copy
import pdb

from grid2op.Exceptions import *
from grid2op._utils import extract_from_dict, save_to_dict
from grid2op.Space.Space import GridObjects
from grid2op.Space.RandomObject import RandomObject

[docs]class SerializableSpace(GridObjects, RandomObject): """ This class allows to serialize / de serialize the action space or observation space. It should not be used inside an Environment, as some functions of the action might not be compatible with the serialization, especially the checking of whether or not an BaseAction is legal or not. Attributes ---------- subtype: ``type`` Type use to build the template object :attr:`SerializableSpace.template_obj`. This type should derive from :class:`grid2op.BaseAction.BaseAction` or :class:`grid2op.BaseObservation.BaseObservation`. _template_obj: :class:`grid2op.GridObjects` An instance of the "*subtype*" provided used to provide higher level utilities, such as the size of the action (see :func:`grid2op.BaseAction.BaseAction.size`) or to sample a new BaseAction (see :func:`grid2op.BaseAction.BaseAction.sample`) for example. n: ``int`` Size of the space shape: ``numpy.ndarray``, dtype:int Shape of each of the component of the Object if represented in a flat vector. An instance that derives from a GridObject (for example :class:`grid2op.BaseAction.BaseAction` or :class:`grid2op.BaseObservation.BaseObservation`) can be thought of as being concatenation of independant spaces. This vector gives the dimension of all the basic spaces they are made of. dtype: ``numpy.ndarray``, dtype:int Data type of each of the component of the Object if represented in a flat vector. An instance that derives from a GridObject (for example :class:`grid2op.BaseAction.BaseAction` or :class:`grid2op.BaseObservation.BaseObservation`) can be thought of as being concatenation of independant spaces. This vector gives the type of all the basic spaces they are made of. """
[docs] def __init__(self, gridobj, subtype=object): """ subtype: ``type`` Type of action used to build :attr:`SerializableActionSpace._template_act`. This type should derive from :class:`grid2op.BaseAction.BaseAction` or :class:`grid2op.BaseObservation.BaseObservation` . """ if not isinstance(subtype, type): raise Grid2OpException( "Parameter \"subtype\" used to build the Space should be a type (a class) and not an object " "(an instance of a class). It is currently \"{}\"".format( type(subtype))) GridObjects.__init__(self) RandomObject.__init__(self) self.init_grid(gridobj) self.subtype = subtype self._template_obj = self.subtype(gridobj=self) self.n = self._template_obj.size() self.global_vars = None self.shape = self._template_obj.shape() self.dtype = self._template_obj.dtype()
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(dict_): """ Allows the de-serialization of an object stored as a dictionnary (for example in the case of json saving). Parameters ---------- dict_: ``dict`` Representation of an BaseObservation Space (aka :class:`grid2op.BaseObservation.ObservartionHelper`) or the BaseAction Space (aka :class:`grid2op.BaseAction.ActionSpace`) as a dictionnary. Returns ------- res: :class:`SerializableSpace` An instance of an SerializableSpace matching the dictionnary. """ if isinstance(dict_, str): path = dict_ if not os.path.exists(path): raise Grid2OpException("Unable to find the file \"{}\" to load the ObservationSpace".format(path)) with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: dict_ = json.load(fp=f) gridobj = GridObjects.from_dict(dict_) actionClass_str = extract_from_dict(dict_, "subtype", str) actionClass_li = actionClass_str.split('.') # pdb.set_trace() if actionClass_li[-1] in globals(): subtype = globals()[actionClass_li[-1]] else: # TODO make something better and recursive here exec("from {} import {}".format(".".join(actionClass_li[:-1]), actionClass_li[-1])) try: subtype = eval(actionClass_li[-1]) except NameError: if len(actionClass_li) > 1: try: subtype = eval(".".join(actionClass_li[1:])) except: msg_err_ = "Impossible to find the module \"{}\" to load back the space (ERROR 1). " \ "Try \"from {} import {}\"" raise Grid2OpException(msg_err_.format(actionClass_str, ".".join(actionClass_li[:-1]), actionClass_li[-1])) else: msg_err_ = "Impossible to find the module \"{}\" to load back the space (ERROR 2). " \ "Try \"from {} import {}\"" raise Grid2OpException(msg_err_.format(actionClass_str, ".".join(actionClass_li[:-1]), actionClass_li[-1])) except AttributeError: try: subtype = eval(actionClass_li[-1]) except: if len(actionClass_li) > 1: msg_err_ = "Impossible to find the class named \"{}\" to load back the space (ERROR 3)" \ "(module is found but not the class in it) Please import it via " \ "\"from {} import {}\"." msg_err_ = msg_err_.format(actionClass_str, ".".join(actionClass_li[:-1]), actionClass_li[-1]) else: msg_err_ = "Impossible to import the class named \"{}\" to load back the space (ERROR 4) " \ "(the module is found but not the class in it)" msg_err_ = msg_err_.format(actionClass_str) raise Grid2OpException(msg_err_) res = SerializableSpace(gridobj=gridobj, subtype=subtype) return res
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Serialize this object as a dictionnary. Returns ------- res: ``dict`` A dictionnary representing this object content. It can be loaded back with :func:`SerializableObservationSpace.from_dict` """ res = super().to_dict() save_to_dict(res, self, "subtype", lambda x: re.sub("(<class ')|('>)", "", "{}".format(x))) return res
[docs] def size(self): """ The size of any action converted to vector. Returns ------- n: ``int`` The size of the action space. """ return self.n
[docs] def from_vect(self, obj_as_vect): """ Convert an action, represented as a vector to a valid :class:`BaseAction` instance Parameters ---------- obj_as_vect: ``numpy.ndarray`` A object living in a space represented as a vector (typically an :class:`grid2op.BaseAction.BaseAction` or an :class:`grid2op.BaseObservation.BaseObservation` represented as a numpy vector) Returns ------- res: :class:`grid2op.Action.Action` or :class:`grid2op.Observation.Observation` The corresponding action (or observation) as an object (and not as a vector). The return type is given by the type of :attr:`SerializableSpace._template_obj` """ res = copy.deepcopy(self._template_obj) res.from_vect(obj_as_vect) return res