Grid2Op module

The grid2op module allows to perform sequential action on a powergrid.

It is modular in the sens that it allows to use different powerflow solver. It proposes an internal representation of the data that can be feed to powergrids and multiple class to specify how it’s done.

For example, it is possible to use an “action” to set the production value of some powerplant. But we also know that it’s not possible to do this for every powerplant (for example, asking a windfarm to produce more energy is not possible: the only way would be to increase the speed of the wind). It is possible to implement these kind of restrictions in this “game like” environment.

Today, the main usage of this plateform is to serve as a computation engine for the L2RPN cpompetitions.

This plateform is still under development. If you notice a bug, let us know with a github issue at Grid2Op


TODO Coming soon